how do you justify kicking a mother and baby off a train at an un-staffed station, leaving them stranded and unable to contact their family? well, this is something TP express think is acceptable conduct.
Like · · Saturday at 11:34 ·
Emma W- the reason she was kicked off was bacause she misplaced her railcard and didn't have any money, hence why she was also unable to contact her family (no phone) bearing in mind the baby's father was meeting them at the other end. she asked if her partner could pay the difference wen they got into station, she offered to pay later but was refused. tp express said "tough, no valid ticket!"
Saturday at 11:52 · Like
Lucy C - thanks ppl, this actually happened to me and my son last year. i did complain but they said they supported the conductors decision. it really traumatised us both and our family thought something bad had happened to us as they couldn't get in touch with me. but hey, what can you do. they have "terms and conditions" whatever happened to human decency?
Saturday at 12:47 · Like
Dave He - I'm disgusted
Saturday at 13:22 · Like · 2
Roxanne C - yeah i agree,going out of there way to strand a mother a child, what a hidin if u ask me
Saturday at 13:54 · Like
Lucy C - and unfortunately yes roxanne, i think the lady conductor did get a 'buzz' out of it. some people do get a sadistic kick out of asserting their authority. i knew this was the case all along. but do this do a mum and tot is particulary cruel i think.
Saturday at 13:54 · Like · 1
First TransPennine Express Trains - Emma, we are really sorry to read about that. It certainly doesn't sound acceptable.
Not sure if it was you personally that was involved or someone you know, but please could you / they email
[email protected] with further details so that we can investigate further.
Saturday at 18:28 · Like · 1
First TransPennine Express Trains -A phone line is also available if you'd prefer: 0845 600 1671
Saturday at 18:30 · Like
Subo S - well, I would be very interested to know what investigations they will (be prepared to) carry out.It is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.
Saturday at 18:36 · Like
Roxanne C - look at em sayin all the right things,think u should train ya staff up better to do the right things instead,u know actions speak louder than words INNIT
Saturday at 18:43 · Like
Lucy C - the comments above are a great example of the treatment i have recieved from tp express staff. Thanks Robert, you've shown what attitude tp express have, and i'm glad everybody is able to see what i have been dealing with.
Yesterday at 08:41 · Like · 3
Lucy C- can i also point out that the conductor took my belongings off the train without my permission, leaving me and my son on the train and my belonging on the station platform, forcing us off. is this acceptable? all is on the cctv that you have not even bothered to watch.
Like · · Saturday at 19:19 ·
Elise Dawson likes this.
Ryan D - Hello Lucy, Just been reading the comments about TPE. I had issues with them they don't seem to care or take any notice. You can contact the rail watch dog I think they would like to know about this. Good luck
Saturday at 21:19 · Like · 2
Lucy C - lol! no, i paid my fare. unfortunately i just misplaced my railcard for a few hours. i have it now and have provided evidence of it to tp express. i i have been a valid railcard holder for years. and being called scum evading a fare does not affect me.
Yesterday at 00:50 · Like
Tim Brawn - Guys keep it polite this is being dealt with by TPE Customer services team who are in touch with Lucy so let them get to the bottom of it without assuming you know what actually happened, im sure we will here the outcome .
Yesterday at 08:21 · Like · 1
Lucy C - Thank you Tim, I will let you know if I get an apology or not. Unfortunately TP express are bound by data protection rules so they are unable to disclose any details of the incident by law. As it stands, it is my word against the conductors and the drivers so I have the disadvantage at the moment. I am hoping they are able to view the CCTV. I will play it by the rules and not disclose any personal details of who is involved. Its not a personal vendetta, just a battle of morals and principles. I have disclosed my own identity voluntarily because I have nothing to hide. I do have high moral standards, and this is why I am here. So reffering to the above definition of 'scum', I don't think I fall into this catagory.
Yesterday at 09:00 · Like · 1
Adrian C - I'll be in touch in private Lucy do not make any more comments on this page
Yesterday at 10:18 · Like