I'm sure this has come up before, but I can't find it.
The question:
For any origin and a destination, such that there are SDR (anytime day return) and 7DS (7 day standard season) prices defined (with exactly the same route*), what are the highest and lowest achievable ratios of 7DS price to SDR price?
Here's a starter:
SOU Southampton Central to WAT London Waterloo
SDR (any permitted) £92
7DS (any permitted) £155 = SDR price times 1.685
ECR East Croydon to RDG Reading
SDR (not via London) £21.10
7DS (not via London) £110.70 = SDR price times 5.246
Can we get lower / higher?
* Undoubtedly there are cases where 7ds and sdr on different routes actually have the same validity, or suchlike, but let's keep it simple
The question:
For any origin and a destination, such that there are SDR (anytime day return) and 7DS (7 day standard season) prices defined (with exactly the same route*), what are the highest and lowest achievable ratios of 7DS price to SDR price?
Here's a starter:
SOU Southampton Central to WAT London Waterloo
SDR (any permitted) £92
7DS (any permitted) £155 = SDR price times 1.685
ECR East Croydon to RDG Reading
SDR (not via London) £21.10
7DS (not via London) £110.70 = SDR price times 5.246
Can we get lower / higher?
* Undoubtedly there are cases where 7ds and sdr on different routes actually have the same validity, or suchlike, but let's keep it simple