The fatal accident at Elsenham showed what happens when sufficient attention is not given. Two platform station, no footbridge, level crossing at one end. Platforms staggered on the departure side of the crossing. Only one ticket office, on the Up side, no ticketing facilities on the Down, neither office nor TVM. However village lies on the Down side, no housing on the Up. The level crossing has many movement closures per hour, often for multiple trains.
Coming from the village travelling to Cambridge required using the crossing twice, to buy a ticket then get to the northbound side. Accounts of this taking 15 minutes, with the gates being across twice, and trains being missed after ticket purchase.
Footbridge subsequently provided (not very conveniently positioned though) and TVM installed on Down platform. Network Rail received a huge fine (£4m) after the accident. I'd have stuck the TOC for half of that as well, for being too cheeseparing to put a TVM on the Down in such a situation.