A freind of mine was on 9G46, 2106 Euston - Wolves last night. Although it departed Euston 8 minutes late and fractionally ahead of the down Highlander (1S25), it was evidently held on Camden Bank and the Highlander went first. Most likely because the Highlander had been signalled out early just before the Wolves was ready to go. The Wolves service then lost a further 6 minutes to Harrow behind the Highlander. And then….
….. the Watford workstation signaller held the Highlander in the platform at Watford Junction (not booked to call), and routed the Wolves via the Up Fast to overtake it. I didn’t even know this was possible! It must have been enabled with the alterations when the junction was recommisioned.
Two questions:
1) has any one seen this happen before, with any trains?
2) did the signaller have a mate on the train with a quail and a highlighter?
RTT links here:
9G46 https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:C50029/2025-01-08/detailed#allox_id=0
1S25 https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:P01173/2025-01-08/detailed#allox_id=0
….. the Watford workstation signaller held the Highlander in the platform at Watford Junction (not booked to call), and routed the Wolves via the Up Fast to overtake it. I didn’t even know this was possible! It must have been enabled with the alterations when the junction was recommisioned.
Two questions:
1) has any one seen this happen before, with any trains?
2) did the signaller have a mate on the train with a quail and a highlighter?
RTT links here:
9G46 https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:C50029/2025-01-08/detailed#allox_id=0
1S25 https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:P01173/2025-01-08/detailed#allox_id=0