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Want to drive a 185?

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Established Member
9 Jun 2005
Well, if you are over 18 and have a spare £275 you can ;) Sounds like you may have to have someone looking over your shoulder all the time, although SWT just let me get on with theirs when on work experience.

Stop dreaming and drive.. Simulator 185..
Ever wondered how train drivers cope with driving through snow, ice and leaves on the line? well here's your chance to really find out.

The UK's first ever simulator of the Pennine Class 185 driver's cab is here and, what's more, you can drive it.

Designed to train First TransPennine Express drivers, Simulator 185 is fully sound synchronised and offers a choice of driving scenarios that will really test your driving skills.

Now you too can experience the thrill of handling a powerful 100mph train through the conditions faced by drivers every day, as well as bad weather, slippery tracks and safety slowing down a train full of passengers.

Trained supervisors are on hand to provide advice and offer feedback on your progress.

So stop dreaming, go drive and enjoy...

£275 per person

Two hours driving time in Simulator 185 (morning or afternoon session).
Feedback from trained supervisors.
Two course meal with soft drinks and coffee.
Drivers must be 18 years or over.
To book
Please call 01904 685721

The Simulator is at the National Railway Museum as part of our Modern Railways Exhibition. This facility will remain at the museum until early September 2006.


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RailUK Forums


Established Member
11 Jun 2005
looks good, very pricey though. I do remember there being a 323 simulator for public use somewhere that was pricey, I'll see if I can find the site later
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