Mea Cupla. I'd seen the start and finish points and not expected it to head off in the opposite direction.
Two thoughts, firstly, what is going to happen with Derbyshire Connect (the DRT)? I can't see it being cost effective to give the contract to Stagecoach (nor is the depot that central to the operating area), but I also can't see anyone else who could take it on.
Which links to my second thought - we really need a not for profit operator similar to South Pennine to not only run the DRT, but also the more marginal services like the 14x range and possibly even ones like the 63, 172, 110/1. The South Pennine model might also allow areas to be served that currently aren't, even if it's only one day a week.
As an aside on that, is it permitted to have a Section 22 operator as a sister company to an established operator? I'd imagine the accounting could be tricky (to show you weren't subsidising the primary operator), but you would then have access to a depot, maintenance facilities, office staff and so on without having to take on the full cost of such.