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What is likely to be seen at Leicester

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10 May 2010
Thinking of taking my young son to Leicester tomorrow.

Looking at the live trains, am I correct in thinking that there are 8 emt trains per hr passing to/from St Pancras formed of hst/222, and one per hr to Lincoln formed of a 156? Not bothered about the xc workings

Will any of these be formed of more than 1 unit, and I suppose a couple of 66's on freight?

Just working out if its worth a one off trip for him?

Im so out of touch with the spotting malarky :)
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RailUK Forums

Bevan Price

Established Member
22 Apr 2010
Thinking of taking my young son to Leicester tomorrow.

Looking at the live trains, am I correct in thinking that there are 8 emt trains per hr passing to/from St Pancras formed of hst/222, and one per hr to Lincoln formed of a 156? Not bothered about the xc workings

Will any of these be formed of more than 1 unit, and I suppose a couple of 66's on freight?

Just working out if its worth a one off trip for him?

Im so out of touch with the spotting malarky :)

Correct, 4 trains each way per hour on St. Pancras services for much of the day. Freight can be unpreictable at any time, but if you are there long enough, you will probably see some 66's. Possibility of a Class 70 if the Crewe (Basford Hall) - Mountsorrel happens to be running, and maybe a 60 if you are very, very lucky. Class 31 or 37 feasible if one of the Network Rail test trains happens to be in the area. Don't forget that Leicester station has ticket barriers, so probably best to arrive by train if possible.


4 Dec 2011
id say your better off at wigston station, you only get xc no emt but the freight is slightly more as some divert before getting to leicester station, you also get the bardon moves here
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