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Wrexham general generator

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Established Member
8 Mar 2009
Wrexham/ Denbighshire /Flintshire triangle
I note a large on hire generator has been set up in the car park next to the night entrance on platform one, its been running for weeks and topped up with red diesel twice weekly,any ideas what its producing electricity for.

Just out of interest

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RailUK Forums


6 Oct 2011
I dont know but i keep thinking theres a class 66 or something sitting in the station when i get out of the car!lol


12 Jun 2011
Think you will find that the station electric supply will not have a big enough capacity load wise to run the lifts as well as the rest of the station requirements and will be awaiting the supply authority to upgrade the supply to the station. So its a case of generator for lifts to work now or lifts out of use till supply upgraded.

We often used to hire generators to power up points heaters in winter after the copper thieves had nicked the supply cables in summer , only way to save on train delays by the points not working.


Established Member
8 Mar 2009
Wrexham/ Denbighshire /Flintshire triangle

You'll never believe this...
The new lifts recently installed have not got the correct voltage supply hence the need for the generators.

I was told this in a non public PM today , so its awaiting Scottish Power for a new three phase supply etc ,perhaps and I am no expert in civil engineering this should have been installed after various site meetings during the build, unless the current supply was considered sufficient.
NR would have been very embarrassed to await months of non use of lifts & public money without the generator running 24/7.



Established Member
14 Apr 2012
Within earshot of trains passing the one and half
I was told this in a non public PM today , so its awaiting Scottish Power for a new three phase supply etc ,perhaps and I am no expert in civil engineering this should have been installed after various site meetings during the build, unless the current supply was considered sufficient.
NR would have been very embarrassed to await months of non use of lifts & public money without the generator running 24/7.


It's quite possibly nothing that NR can do anything about. The Utilities firms act like the world is created for their private amusement, sometimes.


12 May 2010
ah, the new connections team at Scottish Power Power Systems formerly Manweb.....

Yes dealing with them & you'd think you were in the Soviet Union....
words like 'urgent' or 'efficient' or 'deadline' just aren't in their dictionary.

You get your new/upgraded connection when they feel like it, and that's the way it is.

Wrong voltage sounds like miscommunication, more likely just that the current rating of existing supply isn't enough.


Established Member
2 Mar 2007
Somewhere, not in London
Wrong voltage sounds like miscommunication, more likely just that the current rating of existing supply isn't enough.

I'm betting someone doesn't know the difference between a single phase 230V LN connection and a 415V 3 phase LL connection and simply thinks that this means 'wrong voltage' (It is if you ignore the number of phases issue).

From what I've read of it; it is either, as you said, not enough current for the lifts, or what I think to be more likely the lack of a 3 phase connection to Wrexham General to supply the lift.

Does kind of remind me of this...


Those watching embedded, fast forward to 1minute in...

Not managed to experience the new connections lines yet, but I have had to argue with BT for a connection many a time, at one point saying. "So this line that comes into my house isn't connected to anything at your end, so if I put a plug on the end of it, and put 230V across your phone line, nothing will happen then will it?"
At this point they waived that £135+VAT connection charge to simply press some buttons on their keyboard.
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The Informer

2 May 2011
Roy's Rolls Cafe
I'm betting someone doesn't know the difference between a single phase 230V LN connection and a 415V 3 phase LL connection and simply thinks that this means 'wrong voltage' (It is if you ignore the number of phases issue).

From what I've read of it; it is either, as you said, not enough current for the lifts, or what I think to be more likely the lack of a 3 phase connection to Wrexham General to supply the lift.

Does kind of remind me of this...


Those watching embedded, fast forward to 1minute in...

Not managed to experience the new connections lines yet, but I have had to argue with BT for a connection many a time, at one point saying. "So this line that comes into my house isn't connected to anything at your end, so if I put a plug on the end of it, and put 230V across your phone line, nothing will happen then will it?"
At this point they waived that £135+VAT connection charge to simply press some buttons on their keyboard.

Awesome! Haha...



Established Member
14 Apr 2012
Within earshot of trains passing the one and half
A real story.

Designer to Alleged Owner Of Mysterious Cable In Bridge Deck: "Look, it isn't UU, British Gas, Mercury, Virgin, National Grid, BT, Plusnet, Sky, Global Crossing, the City Council or anybody elses', so it must be yours"

AOOMCIBD: "Nope, can't be ours, we don't have one. Anyway, ours goes the other way out of the site"

Designer: (after pausing to consider the statement) "Can we have the absence in writing then?"

AOOMCIBD: "Nope, 'cos writing that down would be admitting that we had such a cable"

Designer: "But you do"

AOOMCIBD: "No comment, but it isn't there anyway"

Designer: "Well, if it isn't there and you wouldn't admit to it, why don't you send some lads down to not disconnect it"

AOOMCIBD: "Can't do that, service outage KPIs and all that, blah, mission critical, drone, no-where else to put it, blah, ..."

Designer: "But you say it isn't there"

AOOMCIBD: "That's not the point"

Designer: <banging head on desk> "Well then, we'll get the contractor to sling it on a catenary out of the way during the work"

AOOMCIBD: "You can't do that, that'd be interfering with our asset"

Designer: "But it isn't there"

AOOMCIBD: "As I said, that's not the point"

Designer: <distant suicidal gunshot>

(the name of the organisation and location has been anonymised to protect the guilty)


Established Member
12 Mar 2011
Those watching embedded, fast forward to 1minute in...

Not managed to experience the new connections lines yet, but I have had to argue with BT for a connection many a time, at one point saying. "So this line that comes into my house isn't connected to anything at your end, so if I put a plug on the end of it, and put 230V across your phone line, nothing will happen then will it?"
At this point they waived that £135+VAT connection charge to simply press some buttons on their keyboard.

I will remember that one :)
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