A real story.
Designer to Alleged Owner Of Mysterious Cable In Bridge Deck: "Look, it isn't UU, British Gas, Mercury, Virgin, National Grid, BT, Plusnet, Sky, Global Crossing, the City Council or anybody elses', so it must be yours"
AOOMCIBD: "Nope, can't be ours, we don't have one. Anyway, ours goes the other way out of the site"
Designer: (after pausing to consider the statement) "Can we have the absence in writing then?"
AOOMCIBD: "Nope, 'cos writing that down would be admitting that we had such a cable"
Designer: "But you do"
AOOMCIBD: "No comment, but it isn't there anyway"
Designer: "Well, if it isn't there and you wouldn't admit to it, why don't you send some lads down to not disconnect it"
AOOMCIBD: "Can't do that, service outage KPIs and all that, blah, mission critical, drone, no-where else to put it, blah, ..."
Designer: "But you say it isn't there"
AOOMCIBD: "That's not the point"
Designer: <banging head on desk> "Well then, we'll get the contractor to sling it on a catenary out of the way during the work"
AOOMCIBD: "You can't do that, that'd be interfering with our asset"
Designer: "But it isn't there"
AOOMCIBD: "As I said, that's not the point"
Designer: <distant suicidal gunshot>
(the name of the organisation and location has been anonymised to protect the guilty)