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  • Hi there,

    I'm new to the forum and new to Trainspotting. I'm getting in contact as I am a photographer looking to do portraits of people who do Trainspotting and learn more about the past time. I'm more than happy to give people prints of the portraits once they taken also. If this is something you would be interested in I would like to me you, obviously when your schedule allows.

    Thank you,

    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting in contact. I see you're based in Canary Wharf. You might have noticed I actually have shots on my site from stations in the area. Funnily enough I also used to live in Lenton.

    Since you're London-based it would be good to pick your brains a little about train spotting in London. Do you do it much in the city? Where and when might you recommend I go to run into a few spotters?

    It would also be interesting to know some of the background of your hobby. Anything you might like to bring up or tell me about. How long have you been involved with it for? What is it that got you started? What is it that kept up your interest? Why do you think it is something which can attract so much interest? What experiences do you have from your hobby that you hold dear to you? Anything really. Sorry that I'm just barraging your with questions- this is generally how I'll start out before things flow into more human conversation haha!

    Hope you're well

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