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Acton 2006

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Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
Hi all,

(I'm not the best storyteller but here goes).

Saturday dawned bright and early and after the kerfuffle of the Ealing - Acton shuttle I arrived at 0935 (so my pass says

anyway). After a little fiddling we managed to get the first machine up and running with a dual-monitor setup, and very shortly

John arrived with a laptop, with Damon and Paul not being far behined. In true LU style the roof was leaking, and a certain

someone managed to confuse a bucket holding said leaky water for a nice place to put your coat (I won't name names ;)). Some

random person turned up and spent practically all day standing next to the BVE table, I don't know who they were but they spoke

as if they were on the forums, they had a cycle helmet in their hands all day. Chris Cobley turned up a bit later and went home

to fetch a second monitor and joystick. Though by the end of the day things were getting a bit cramped and after the depot had

closed I managed to get a promise of a new table for Sunday...

... which duly was waiting at the stand when I arrived at 0955 this morning. Thanks to John Polley of Metromodels who managed to

sort out the table from the LTM managers. Chris turned up with his machine (free from all dodgy content ;)) and peripherals, as

did John. Unfortunately Damon couldn't come on the Sunday due to waking up late, but we were joined by Craig and Vikki for the day, with the latter taking great delight when I managed to overshoot several stations on the Piccadilly. You'd have thought I would have learnt it by now! Several members of the audience could perhaps be classed as requiring attention from those in white coats, including one guy who suggested that Chris had a new girlfriend. There was also a minor incident involving the Bakerloo on one of the machines, it suddenly decided that it didn't want to run with a 72ts, it would load with whichever train was being previously used (leading to the spectacle of a 37 and a 158 at Elephant!)

Over the two days the BVE area was well received by visitors, some had heard of it and had a couple of routes, others had no idea

but were keen to try. A great many flyers bearing Mackoy's and TSC's URL on were distributed, though we printed quite a few too

many. It was nice to put faces to plenty of names, I can't remember exactly everyone who I spoke to but it was cool anyway :).

Photos of the weekend are at http://tombeevers.fotopic.net/c879788.html though I still have quite a few to upload.
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
4 Nov 2005
I was at acton as well doing a veriaty of things, my mate had his 5 inch gauge lcoo out and about, also i was outside helping with the little red train, and releaving ym grandad when he needed releaving, was a great weekend and i really enjoyed it. The pics will be up tonight.


Established Member
11 Jun 2005
Tom, who was on the BVE stand when I was there?
25 Aug 2005
It wasn't my fault i laughed, if u didnt keep slapping your forhead in disappointment each time u did it i wouldn't have noticed :p . aww well it was nice meeting you and IM NOT CHRIS' GIRL FRIEND!!!! lol
That kid was umm........ umm.... interesting?? (maybe not quite the right word) He threw a little fit of anger on me and craig when he got the name of a train wrong (poor bloke beside him)
Was an interesting day. Thanks to Tom Chris John Paul....and Craig for a good day...... mmmm chineese was good too


Established Member
15 Jun 2005
It was an enjoyable day. There was certainly some strange people about though :lol:

Next time, if a bigger area can be organised, I might be able to borrow a projector from a friend.

Jim said:
Tom, who was on the BVE stand when I was there?
When were you there?

Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
Feel free to use the photos Craig for whatever purpose you see fit ;). The idea of a projector has been bandied around for some time but as yet no-one has managed to get hold of one for a day / weekend.

Saturday 12ish - at that time there would have been me, Damon, Paul, Chris J, John and possibly Chris C - but I don't know exactly who would have been driving.


Established Member
15 Jun 2005
Cockfosters said:
Feel free to use the photos Craig for whatever purpose you see fit ;). The idea of a projector has been bandied around for some time but as yet no-one has managed to get hold of one for a day / weekend.
Will do ;)

I have a friend who's a professional photographer who has a projector. If you can get a date for the next open day and confirm whether there'll be a BVE stand I'll see what I can do about borrowing it.
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