Don't know if this is of interest to someone:
322482 will be middle unit of 17.02 Liv St - Parkeston and 19.30
Parkeston - Liv St today. With 321446 on one end and 321438 on the
other this will probably be the last time for a while that we get 3
different liveries on a GE train (Anglia trains are a different
matter!). 322484 is going away, but not to Scotland. It's going to
Northern Rail, presumably to allow their 321/9s to go for overhaul.
Date for 484s departure TBA.
317302 and 304 going ECS to Colchester (10+30 ex Ilford but may run
early) and will be the Ipswich Thunderbirds from tomorrow (Mr Hardinge
and Mr Chaplin to note!). 317334 en route to Ilford to take over as
the driver training unit.
Ta Martin
322482 will be middle unit of 17.02 Liv St - Parkeston and 19.30
Parkeston - Liv St today. With 321446 on one end and 321438 on the
other this will probably be the last time for a while that we get 3
different liveries on a GE train (Anglia trains are a different
matter!). 322484 is going away, but not to Scotland. It's going to
Northern Rail, presumably to allow their 321/9s to go for overhaul.
Date for 484s departure TBA.
317302 and 304 going ECS to Colchester (10+30 ex Ilford but may run
early) and will be the Ipswich Thunderbirds from tomorrow (Mr Hardinge
and Mr Chaplin to note!). 317334 en route to Ilford to take over as
the driver training unit.
Ta Martin