Service Details from VT Group
1H07 0735 Euston - Manchester and hourly to 1H24 1535 Euston -
Manchester withdrawn
1C10 0745 Euston - Lancaster terminates Preston
1H80 0938 Euston - Manchester withdrawn
1S44 0845 Euston - Glasgow SSO Rugby
1D22 0857 Euston - Holyhead starts Crewe
1C11 0945 Euston - Carlisle forms 1S48 at Carlisle
(advertise as thru train)
1S48 1015 Euston - Glasgow start Carlisle x 1C11
1C12 1045 Euston - Lancaster terminates Preston 1D23 1121 Euston -
Llandudno starts Crewe
1C13 1245 Euston - Lancaster terminates Preston 1S77 1545 Euston -
Glasgow SSO Rugby 1D24 1548 Euston - Holyhead starts Crewe 1G21 1655
Euston - Birmingham NS withdrawn 1F21 1718 Euston - Liverpool SSO
1D25 1721 Euston - Holyhead starts Crewe
1P87 1745 Euston - Preston extended to Glasgow
in path/stops of 1S83, runs as 1Z87
1H30 1748 Euston - Manchester withdrawn
1G24 1752 Euston - Birmingham NS withdrawn
1H32 1805 Euston - Manchester
1S94 1808 Euston - Glasgow
1C25 1945 Euston - Carlisle SSO LichfieldT.V
1C96 1845 Euston - Carlisle
1G28 1857 Euston - Birmingham New Street
1H35 1935 Euston - Manchester withdrawn
5H13 1305 Crewe - Longsight runs addl a/w 1M13
1R06 0602 Manchester - Euston terminates Stafford,
5R06 to Manchester P (step up set)
1R08 0510 Lancaster - Euston SSO Stafford
1R11 0635 Manchester- Euston withdrawn
1R15 0705 Manchester- Euston withdrawn
1R17 0708 Liverpool - Euston withdrawn
1R18 0538 Holyhead - Euston terminates Crewe ECS to
Liverpool LS (step up set)
1R20 0715 Manchester- Euston hourly to 1A04 1815
Manchester - Euston withdrawn
1R21 0542 Carlisle - Euston SSO Crewe
1A25 0608 Carlisle - Euston terminate Crewe ECS
to Longsight CS
1A27 0648 Holyhead - Euston terminates Crewe
1A29 0815 Liverpool - Euston SSO Nuneaton
1A46 0950 Holyhead - Euston terminates Crewe
1A51 1124 Lancaster - Edston starts Preston at 1146
1M13 0949 Glasgow - Euston terminates Crewe ECS
1A66 1405 Manchester- Euston withdrawn
1A72 1424 Lancaster - Euston starts Preston at 1446
1A78 1414 Holyhead - Euston terminates Crewe 1M16 1247 Glasgow -
Euston terminates Carlisle t/w 1A80 (advertise as a through train)
1A83 1523 Llandudno - Euston terminates Crewe 1A87 1624 Lancaster -
Euston starts Preston at 1646
5A87 2030 Preston - Euston withdrawn