Although set out in a way that strongly appeals to me, despite having a .co.uk web address I look at the headlines and see that half of the stories are fairly trivial stories from Australia that don't really qualify as "international news of international importance/interest".
Is it just me or does anyone agree with me that this UK website seems to think it is an Australian site rather than a British one? No other British news website has so local many Ausralian stories.
I have approached the Daily Mail about this on several occasions via Twitter, Facebook and e-mail - and been totally ignored EVERY time.
Is it just me or does anyone agree with me that this UK website seems to think it is an Australian site rather than a British one? No other British news website has so local many Ausralian stories.
I have approached the Daily Mail about this on several occasions via Twitter, Facebook and e-mail - and been totally ignored EVERY time.