Established Member
Over the last week Mrs Deltic and myself have started making plans for a small model railway layout.
The Layout will be 'OO Guage', and built on a board measuring arond 4ft x 2ft.
The idea is that it will be a terminus station on a preserved branchline, as then we can indulge both of our areas of interest Diesel for me and steam for the mrs.
The platform of the station is planned to be able to take an 0-4-0 or 0-6-0 tank engine or diesel shunter and 2 mk 1's or 4 4 wheel coaches, or a 2 car DMU.
In addition to the station we plan to include a 2 siding goods yard and a single road engine shed.
In the scenery we hope to include a parade of shops or a row of houses behind the station , a military camp enterance (as a corner filler space permitting) and, a tunnel mouth to conceal the enterance to the fiddle yard.
The motive power to start with at least will consist of Hornby 0-4-0 tank engines, which fit in with our limited space and budget.
Not includeing rolling stock we hope to achieve this project with a cost of around £150, basically to see how much detail can be put into the space for this amount.
I have attached a draft of the track plan and I will keep you all updated as the project progresses.
The Layout will be 'OO Guage', and built on a board measuring arond 4ft x 2ft.
The idea is that it will be a terminus station on a preserved branchline, as then we can indulge both of our areas of interest Diesel for me and steam for the mrs.
The platform of the station is planned to be able to take an 0-4-0 or 0-6-0 tank engine or diesel shunter and 2 mk 1's or 4 4 wheel coaches, or a 2 car DMU.
In addition to the station we plan to include a 2 siding goods yard and a single road engine shed.
In the scenery we hope to include a parade of shops or a row of houses behind the station , a military camp enterance (as a corner filler space permitting) and, a tunnel mouth to conceal the enterance to the fiddle yard.
The motive power to start with at least will consist of Hornby 0-4-0 tank engines, which fit in with our limited space and budget.
Not includeing rolling stock we hope to achieve this project with a cost of around £150, basically to see how much detail can be put into the space for this amount.
I have attached a draft of the track plan and I will keep you all updated as the project progresses.