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Old Dalby/Asfordby Test Track

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27 Jul 2016
Hello there, I am new here, so apologies in advance if this has already been asked.

I have recently, moved back to my family home, which as my name, and the nature of this question suggests is in the vicinity of the Old Dalby/Asfordby Test track.

I was just wondering if anyone knew if there was anything on it at the moment?

I spent the last few days lurking, and found about the RealTrainTimes, so tonight I went up, because according the RealTrainTimes there is a train at 20:35 (see here: http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/search/advanced/OLDDALB/2016/07/27/2033?stp=WVS&show=all&order=wtt )

However, nothing turned up, so I was just wondering if any of you lovely folks, who have probably been doing this longer than I knew of anything?

Thanks in advance!
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Philip Phlopp

Established Member
31 May 2015
Hello there, I am new here, so apologies in advance if this has already been asked.

I have recently, moved back to my family home, which as my name, and the nature of this question suggests is in the vicinity of the Old Dalby/Asfordby Test track.

I was just wondering if anyone knew if there was anything on it at the moment?

I spent the last few days lurking, and found about the RealTrainTimes, so tonight I went up, because according the RealTrainTimes there is a train at 20:35 (see here: http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/search/advanced/OLDDALB/2016/07/27/2033?stp=WVS&show=all&order=wtt )

However, nothing turned up, so I was just wondering if any of you lovely folks, who have probably been doing this longer than I knew of anything?

Thanks in advance!

The 5X08 path is in the system and hasn't (yet) been cancelled so it may run and just be incredibly late.

It's a path for the IEP pre-production units to get from Old Dalby to the part of the ECML where it's being tested. The nature of the testing and other factors mean these services can run late or early and they can be cancelled at short notice unfortunately.

The service ran on Monday night, leaving at 2030, went and did some testing on the ECML (http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/K97610/2016/07/25/advanced) and returned on Tuesday morning as 5X10, because it's testing and going along the same track, it causes a lot of confusion on the RTT (and NR's own) systems.


27 Jul 2016
Okay, Thanks so much for the reply.
So essentially it is in the system, but could turn up late, early or not at all?
Also would you be good enough to explain to a newbie what all the different numbers on your RealTimeTrain link mean?

I walk up that way most days so I shall try and time my walks to try and coincide with when this service is meant to be running.

Thanks again!

Philip Phlopp

Established Member
31 May 2015
Okay, Thanks so much for the reply.
So essentially it is in the system, but could turn up late, early or not at all?
Also would you be good enough to explain to a newbie what all the different numbers on your RealTimeTrain link mean?

I walk up that way most days so I shall try and time my walks to try and coincide with when this service is meant to be running.

Thanks again!

Your best bet is to monitor the service over the previous week, to get an idea about when it leaves, if it leaves. You've got it when you note it could turn up late, early or not at all. It's also worth keeping an eye out on National Rail Enquiries (or indeed, Real Time Trains) to check there's no obvious disruption at the destination which would see the service cancelled early on.

The numbers such as 5X08 - 1 number, 1 letter then 2 numbers is known as a headcode, which allows the railway to identify the service and some basic information about the service. The first number is the service type - 5 indicating it's an empty passenger train not in passenger service. 1 would indicate an express passenger service, 4 indicates freight capable of 75mph and so on. The letter indicates destination or other information.

1S25 would indicate Class 1 express passenger, destination S for Scotland, 25 is just a random number to separate it from another service. X and Z are special and X is being used in this case because the new IEP stock has 26m vehicles and needs to be carefully signalled keeping clear of any routes it's not yet cleared for. 08, 10 etc are just random assignments.

The other numbers on Real Time Trains, such as the Service Code, TRUST schedule etc are just internal numbering used by the relevant NR computer systems, though the TRUST ID has the headcode within the number.


27 Jul 2016

That's really helpful and interesting actually.
I shall certainly taker your advice, and try watching and waiting to get a feel for times.

Now, I've finally taken the plunge and got an account, you might run into me asking more questions, or putting forward my half baked views on things!


Established Member
20 May 2013
As well as the IEP testing, Old Dalby's also currently being used for CBTC testing for London Underground S Stock. It's rather surreal driving down a road in Leicestershire and seeing an Underground train cross an overbridge in front of you!


27 Jul 2016
I assumed that all the S stock had finished being testing up here, but yes I remember how surreal it used to be to see them in rural Leicestershire gliding along haha.

So IEP and S stock. I'll keep an eye out.


Established Member
28 Jun 2010
Now, I've finally taken the plunge and got an account, you might run into me asking more questions,

No question is a daft question if you dont knwo the answer and there are some very knowledgeable people from both inside(as you found from the frenchman in sandals) and outside the industry who are always happy to help.

or putting forward my half baked views on things!

Half baked? Youll fit right in :lol::lol::lol::lol:


1 Aug 2013
I recall when the planning proposals to reopen the line as a test track were proposed. Some furious objections from residents who had expanded their land illegally by encroaching on to the land by the line. Also a well known former England fast bowler and cricket radio commentator who didn't want trains passing by at the bottom of his garden.


27 Jul 2016
Strange isn't it, that there trains might pass by on a train track.
Personally, I think that they ought to re-open it in some capacity for people.


Established Member
17 Feb 2010
West London
I assumed that all the S stock had finished being testing up here, but yes I remember how surreal it used to be to see them in rural Leicestershire gliding along haha.

So IEP and S stock. I'll keep an eye out.
Still 13 S7 Stock to deliver to London and now S8s are returning to Derby to be fitted for ATC, which will require testing at Old Dalby.
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