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[Questions] WHO is Tram Link?

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Established Member
4 Nov 2011
Valongo - Portugal
Good Afternoon everyone!

For those who have read my thread relating to the "Mind the Gap Project", you may notice that there is one final character that I still have to do from scratch. Given the fact that Overground and DLR have their own characters in the group, I thought "Trams run on rails anyway, why not include its system in MtG?"

So I thought about drawing the character for the main cast. Problem is that I don't live in London or no way near the city and I never had the opportunity to ride on the Tram Link when I was around London yesteryear (Like five days would help me elaborate some system's personality...).

This is were YOU enter! I need you, user or connoisseur of London Tram Link, to "draw" me what is this system's character personality.

The character is supposed to be older than Overground (She's 10 years old) and younger than Northern Line (She's 13 years). That is the only restriction I'll be putting here.

Please try to read the other characters descriptions first to have an idea od what is needed.

Now, here are the things I need you to answer me about London Tram Link's mascot

  • What gender is Tram Link? (Boy or Girl)
  • What would be his/her first name? (Chose one male name and one female name)
  • Does he/she uses long, medium or short hair? And what kind of hairstyle? (Use linked images has reference)
  • Does he/she uses hats? What kind? (Common use hats, please)
  • He/she wears formal clothing like DLR, or informal clothes like Overground?
  • What is his/her hobby?
  • What bothers him/her, or what is he/she scared of? (Spiders, heights, elevators, sad people, those kind of things...)
  • Is he/she relative to other characters? (For example, Piccadilly's cousin)
  • Is he/she good at school? Which subject is he/she good/bad at?
  • Add other characteristic you think is relevant for Tram Link's character.

So this is it people. Hope you can find the time to answer me. This is very important because you're my eye's in the UK and at this stage I can only rely on you to develop this project.

Thank you for your help and have a close look on the general thread for any news on the project. ;)
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
8 Jan 2010
Bath (or Southend)
I have to give this a try :)

  • What gender is Tram Link? (Boy or Girl) Boy (gives a bit of age/gender balance)
  • What would be his/her first name? (Chose one male name and one female name) Timothy or Tessa
  • Does he/she uses long, medium or short hair? And what kind of hairstyle? (Use linked images has reference) Shoulder height
  • Does he/she uses hats? What kind? (Common use hats, please) None
  • He/she wears formal clothing like DLR, or informal clothes like Overground? Formal doesn't suit Croydon that well so it has to be informal
  • What is his/her hobby? I would have said tennis for Wimbledon but that's been! Instead, being newer I would say sci-fi (the future)
  • What bothers him/her, or what is he/she scared of? Heights, and maybe the dark (bridges and tunnels are rare)
  • Is he/she relative to other characters? (For example, Piccadilly's cousin) No - too independent from the other lines
  • Is he/she good at school? Which subject is he/she good/bad at? Geography (to match the diverse land uses around Croydon)
  • Add other characteristic you think is relevant for Tram Link's character. He sees himself as a bit of an outcast because he has limited contact with the others but in practice they do care about him

Something like that? I hope you get a good number of responses (most of which would probably disagree with me :roll:)! :p
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Established Member
4 Nov 2011
Valongo - Portugal
Come on people! I won't be doing anything without knowing details from you!

As I said, in order for me to make a character based on a place/rail system when I'm not currently staying in/using that place/that system, I need you to participate in this quick survey.

That's the only way for me to draw a character true to Tram Link!
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