Well first of all, he is a Conductor and would not be able to issue PFNs even if ScotRail did have a penalty fares in the first place, only authorised collectors can do that (Revenue Proection staff, and there is a difference). To my knowledge no TOC has it's guards or conductors issue PFNs.
If he printed off a receipt from the ticket stock I'm thinking of then it merely warns you that you may be issued penalty fare for not buying a ticket for your journey before you board. It would mention nothing about that he is authorised to collect penalty fares. To be quite honest he may have been telling the truth, maybe they do plan to introduce such a scheme and the 'ScotRail Support' just do not want to make you privy of it at this time.
Not that I wish to call you out as a liar or anything but I would really like to see the letter you sent to ScotRail and the full reply you recieved, this small quote doesn't do much to convice me that its legit (that and the spelling error).
To be brutally honest with you, the Conductor may well have been wrong to call you out like that but you should'nt be at all surprised trying to be a smart alec and embarrass the man in front of passengers on his train. Since the man is not here to defend himself and all we have to go on is what you have said, i'm having a hard time to believing you this actually happened the way you said it did.
'Testing' with outdated tickets isn't a particularly clever either as all you are doing is wasting the Conductor/Inspector's time, you don't need to test him the company will do that. Bragging about faredodging on a social networking site was rather stupid aswell and you may well have painted a target on your back for that.
Curious to know why he would even mention something like that unless you said something first? And indeed you have no business having either in your possession unless you have been issued with them for work use.
I have to say in my 5 and a bit years of Revenue Protection no i have not once met an inspector such as this and I have worked with many! TOCs may indeed keep tabs on serial offenders who often defraud the railway out of thousands of pounds, something tells me you aren't quite in that league. I'm also getting the impression the full story has not been told and I too am curious to know if the Conductor in question is on these boards as I would like to hear his side of the story.