O L Leigh
Established Member
317324 was delivered at about 01.00 to Hornsey depot from Donny
> (5Z50). It has arrived carrying the number 317324 and is in
> Express livery. Depot staff quote it will be renumbered 317884
> going into traffic. It would seem the current plan is to gradually
> replace the 317/1s on the Cambridge services with 317/6s displaced
> the Stansteds (paired with 317/7s) by refurbishing the 317/1s into
> 317/8s. Absolutely no idea what has been done internally to 324.
> The 317/5s are very much concentrated in the Hertford East
services as
> speculated, however the use of the small batch mentioned does
appear at
> first glance to be a coincidence. Hope to post some more on this
As you should expect from a guru of combinations the 317/3+317/6 and
317/5+317/6 combinations are separately identified.
The One WA 317/3s are 317321/324-328/330/331/333-336 and these
should become 317881-892 in numerical order.
As has already been suggested, I'm expecting 317/8s to take on
Stansted Express diagrams currently worked by 317/6s, and the 317/6s
to be cascaded onto the diagrams currently worked by 317/3s.