Craig said:
It was just platforms 3 and 4 that were evacuated, and by all accounts it was a pretty minor fire (nothing much visible).
That was the second time in one day that those platforms were evacuated. The alarm was set off earlier in the day by engineers cutting up a rack with an angle grinder inside the exchange :roll:
This has been posted on Yahoo Groups V220. Original message copied & pasted, thanks to the person who posted it:
I have these facts from a reliable source :-
" 221135 working 1O26 13:05 Edinburgh-Bournemouth was evacuated at
after it was noticed that the Resistor bank on top of coach C was on
The Station was not evacuated only the Train.
The wires were turned off to allow Fire Brigade to attend.
Fire extinguished when unit was shut down
Train taken into Forth sidings for fire brigade to view top of coach C
Redheugh Bridge.
Given the OK, the set was taken to Tyne Yard for fitter to examine
Large piece of wood (rough torn timber)was found impaled into the
and all insulating pots broken with safety cables holding resistor panel
down as they where meant to do.
Resistors removed in Tyne Yard and Train ran ECS to Central Rivers
The resistors heat to 500C so it is no surprise that what was on them
even in pouring rain.
The question is how did this wood get there?
Another case of vandalism? "
(Ta Ken on NED)