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Windows Operating Systems.

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Donny Dave

Established Member
9 Jul 2005
Windows 95 - 95 calls to the help desk needed

Windows 98 - 98% of all users have problems.

Windows 2000 - 2000 problems per copy.

Windows ME - More Errors

Windows XP eXtreem Problems

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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You forgot the following:

DOS - Defrag On Startup
CE - Certainly Egotastic
NT - Not Trustworthy

Gareth Hale

11 Jun 2005
Right thats it, if you dont like MS, get rid of it, if you like it, keep it, Just stop calling MS. <D <( <( <( <( <( <D <D

They provide you with 100% quality products, you had a choice when you was buying your PC, if you dont like MS, WHY DID YOU BUY IT?


9 Jun 2005
Much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Gareth there.

(only joking Gareth ;) )


8 Jun 2005
Its Obviously Cr@p, Its the only reason to explain why mr Gates is the richest guy on earth, and why virtually every standard computer has Windows on it :roll:


Gareth Hale said:
Right thats it, if you dont like MS, get rid of it, if you like it, keep it, Just stop calling MS. <D <( <( <( <( <( <D <D

They provide you with 100% quality products, you had a choice when you was buying your PC, if you dont like MS, WHY DID YOU BUY IT?

In fact, in the UK, you'll find we have no choice, its Windows / Mac or nothing, I don't particularly like either, so I just go for the cheaper option!


Established Member
6 Sep 2005
Your never going to escape Massive...uh hem ;) , i mean Micro...soft.

Its everywhere PCs are. Just live with it. Linux is good yes, but MS was there first and everything (hardware/software) is compatible with MS but often not Linux (although this is now changing..)

:arrow: :arrow:


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Just outside the Black Country
I used a Mac at a University and I have to say, I hated the damn thing. Wouldn't do squat I wanted it to. At least with Windows it will generally do as you ask (even if it does break occasionally and refuses to tell you why in a language anyone sane can understand) and if it doesn't, you can generally break it in some way to make it!

Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
Various points:

The reason MS is so dominant has sod all to do with the quality of its products. It is all to do with their marketing policy - working with suppliers to favour MS on their machines, making it almost impossible to buy a non-Windows desktop machine, making other products (WMP / IE) tied to Windows and making Windows kick up when another OS is installed side-by-side.

Installation of Mandrake - nothing in particular I can reccomend save backup, read the instructions and familiarise yourself with them first.

Gareth Hale

11 Jun 2005
You can buy a barebone or a desktop with out an operating system. My one was bought with out an operating system, we did a fresh install of Windows XP onto it 8). Took 9 Mins on this baby. I wonder how it is with my new memory? As I only had 256MB back then :D

Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
You can, but it is very hard and they are limited.

It might take 9 minutes to have a working XP installation *BUT* then you need at least an hour or two to set it up properly - remove all the condescending messages about how naughty .bat and .exe files are, take away (kicking and screaming) the default file associations to Notepad, IE, Outlook Express etc...

Gareth Hale

11 Jun 2005
On Windows XP Service pack two disks, all you get is the vital stuff, no other programmes at all (unless you want to and press o.k)

Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
Yes, but it is still practically impossible to wrench control away from MS programs. You set another browser as default and other MS products still launch IE. And they still give you the condescending messages!


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Just outside the Black Country
And Microsoft programs do all that I want them to do! I am a 'typical' numpty computer user. I have the 'typical' stance if it isn't broken, don't fix it. I haven't ever had a catastrophic data loss, computer failure et al. All 3 of my PCs have lived between 3 and 5 years. I've never installed or used a none Microsoft basic product (IE Firefox et al) and I've never had any problems. I have no desire to do anything, and if I'm having no problems, or not being limited by not being able to do what I want to, then I have no need to change anything whatosever. All this extra stuff floating around with spam about how good it is a) annoys me and b) disinterests me. To the point where if I see a topic with 'FireFox' or 'Mozilla' or 'Opera' or 'Linux' by now, I'm just so bored of it all, I just ignore them entirely.


8 Jun 2005
AlexS said:
And Microsoft programs do all that I want them to do! I am a 'typical' numpty computer user. I have the 'typical' stance if it isn't broken, don't fix it. I haven't ever had a catastrophic data loss, computer failure et al. All 3 of my PCs have lived between 3 and 5 years. I've never installed or used a none Microsoft basic product (IE Firefox et al) and I've never had any problems. I have no desire to do anything, and if I'm having no problems, or not being limited by not being able to do what I want to, then I have no need to change anything whatosever. All this extra stuff floating around with spam about how good it is a) annoys me and b) disinterests me. To the point where if I see a topic with 'FireFox' or 'Mozilla' or 'Opera' or 'Linux' by now, I'm just so bored of it all, I just ignore them entirely.

My Thoughts entirely!

So can the Toms give up with the anti microsoft stuff?

Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
158 said:
AlexS said:
And Microsoft programs do all that I want them to do! I am a 'typical' numpty computer user. I have the 'typical' stance if it isn't broken, don't fix it. I haven't ever had a catastrophic data loss, computer failure et al. All 3 of my PCs have lived between 3 and 5 years. I've never installed or used a none Microsoft basic product (IE Firefox et al) and I've never had any problems. I have no desire to do anything, and if I'm having no problems, or not being limited by not being able to do what I want to, then I have no need to change anything whatosever. All this extra stuff floating around with spam about how good it is a) annoys me and b) disinterests me. To the point where if I see a topic with 'FireFox' or 'Mozilla' or 'Opera' or 'Linux' by now, I'm just so bored of it all, I just ignore them entirely.

My Thoughts entirely!

So can the Toms give up with the anti microsoft stuff?

No. I am entitled to my view. Microsoft products do not do everything I want them to do. I know people think IE does all they want and ignore advice to the opposite but it is full of holes and hugely bloated. If we stuck with what we were accustomed to and never changed, the world would become stagnant. Do you use Microsoft because you've looked at all the options thoroughly (by that I mean not looking just at the fancy whizzbang extras they market) and you thought they were the best, or did you use them because your computer came with it? Sadly for most users it is the latter.

Why do you think of Linux as an "extra"?


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Just outside the Black Country
I use Microsoft because I know how to use it, and don't have the time or the inclination to learn to use anything else. Until all the games and software I want to buy becomes available on Linux without me having to do anything extra to make them work, then I will stick with Windows. Why? Because is designed to work on there.

I use Microsoft because as far as I am concerned, their products do what I want them to do. I've used Microsoft stuff for 10 years, and not had any major problems. If and when Microsoft fails me, or can't do what I want it to, then I might start looking elsewhere. Right now, this is not the case. My computer works how it want it to. I've not come across anything I've needed to do that I can't. I don't spend hours at my computer tinkering with it to make it do other stuff. I turn it on, browse the internet or type an essay and play a game, and turn it off. Since every game I have bought works with Windows, and since I've completed all required college work using Microsoft Office, I don't see the need to go messing around with things and break them trying to make it better.

I've tried FireFox, and I didn't like it.

I've tried a Mac, and I hated the damn machine.

Nothing any of you can say will change my mind, you're preaching to a brick wall here.


29 Oct 2005
AlexS said:
I use Microsoft because I know how to use it, and don't have the time or the inclination to learn to use anything else. Until all the games and software I want to buy becomes available on Linux without me having to do anything extra to make them work, then I will stick with Windows. Why? Because is designed to work on there.

I use Microsoft because as far as I am concerned, their products do what I want them to do. I've used Microsoft stuff for 10 years, and not had any major problems. If and when Microsoft fails me, or can't do what I want it to, then I might start looking elsewhere. Right now, this is not the case. My computer works how it want it to. I've not come across anything I've needed to do that I can't. I don't spend hours at my computer tinkering with it to make it do other stuff. I turn it on, browse the internet or type an essay and play a game, and turn it off. Since every game I have bought works with Windows, and since I've completed all required college work using Microsoft Office, I don't see the need to go messing around with things and break them trying to make it better.

I've tried FireFox, and I didn't like it.

I've tried a Mac, and I hated the damn machine.

Nothing any of you can say will change my mind, your preaching to a brick wall here.

Couldn't agree more there.


Gareth Hale

11 Jun 2005
AlexS said:
I use Microsoft because I know how to use it, and don't have the time or the inclination to learn to use anything else. Until all the games and software I want to buy becomes available on Linux without me having to do anything extra to make them work, then I will stick with Windows. Why? Because is designed to work on there.

I use Microsoft because as far as I am concerned, their products do what I want them to do. I've used Microsoft stuff for 10 years, and not had any major problems. If and when Microsoft fails me, or can't do what I want it to, then I might start looking elsewhere. Right now, this is not the case. My computer works how it want it to. I've not come across anything I've needed to do that I can't. I don't spend hours at my computer tinkering with it to make it do other stuff. I turn it on, browse the internet or type an essay and play a game, and turn it off. Since every game I have bought works with Windows, and since I've completed all required college work using Microsoft Office, I don't see the need to go messing around with things and break them trying to make it better.

I've tried FireFox, and I didn't like it.

I've tried a Mac, and I hated the damn machine.

Nothing any of you can say will change my mind, your preaching to a brick wall here.

I agree with you too, although, I do like FireFox. People like to call me 'microsoft advertiser' or stuff, but If I was one, id be advertising to a brick wall as they already use the products :roll:

Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
You are free to choose what you use. However as I said above many people just use what comes with the computer, as opposed to what is best for their purpose. And I am allowed to be anti-Microsoft, it is a free world.


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Just outside the Black Country
As far as I am concerned, what comes with the computer IS best for my purposes. After all, hasn't it handled whatever I want it to do? If and when FireFox and all the other stuff comes around bundled with my computer, then I might use it. Until then, I will use whatever most stuff is compatible with and what is most easy to use out of the box with zero effort on my part.

This is currently Windows XP and Microsoft Internet Explorer. There's no point in changing to something that works as well/better in some ways, but not as well in others!

And until the Linux community gets it in to their head that some day, they are going to have to fork out their money for things, then it's going to remain a backwater.

Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
So when I buy MSTS or download BVE should I only use the default routes?

For those of you who think Linux is rubbish, why are you on this forum?


8 Jun 2005
Cockfosters said:
For those of you who think Linux is rubbish, why are you on this forum?

For All those who think Windows is rubbish, why are you on this forum?


30 Sep 2005
Simming said:
For All those who think Windows is rubbish, why are you on this forum?

I believe you've missed the point. This site appears to run on a Linux Server

Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
156418 said:
Simming said:
For All those who think Windows is rubbish, why are you on this forum?

I believe you've missed the point. This site appears to run on a Linux Server

That indeed is the point. Many people who say they're perfectly happy with Windows and hate Linux are perfectly happy to use websites run on a Linux server!


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Just outside the Black Country
Because I don't have to lift a finger to make it happen. Which is exactly my point. I want to expand MSTS and BVE - it's something I enjoy. Whereas tooling around with junk that means nothing to me, and doesn't actually do anything new that I need, I don't see as a productive use of my time.
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