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Your commuting experience

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New Member
25 Feb 2012
Hi RailUk,

I was hoping to get a little bit of feedback from the wealth of knowledge here on the forum!

I'm a product design student from Cardiff metropolitan uni and am tackling a design project which is aiming to improve the commuting experience. Looking at ways to increase the socializing on trains.

I'd likeany feedback from you on the subject. And if you could fill out this quick 6 question survey, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Many Thanks
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
23 Feb 2010
Richmond, London
Hi RailUk,

I was hoping to get a little bit of feedback from the wealth of knowledge here on the forum!

I'm a product design student from Cardiff metropolitan uni and am tackling a design project which is aiming to improve the commuting experience. Looking at ways to increase the socializing on trains.

I'd likeany feedback from you on the subject. And if you could fill out this quick 6 question survey, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Many Thanks

I have to say that having commuted in and out of Waterloo over the last 20+ years social interraction with other passengers is something which I've tried avoid. I'm always too wrapped up in my own thoughts to want to talk to strangers. I'll take a look at your survey in minute but safety and punctuality are my absolute priorities. A clean seat is definitely a bonus!


Established Member
26 Nov 2005
Birmingham, UK
I only really commute for no more than a few weeks at a time before changing destination so I can give you a broad overview of commuting different areas/distances/methods but not after doing the same route for years. From what I seen, I am more likely to talk to someone on a flight than a train/bus/ferry. Might be due to the idea of forced to sit next to the person for a few hours so might as well make use of the time, plus it's interesting to hear their trip report.

Commuter rail is a mixed blessing I'd have to say, same people on the same train every day, some talk on the platform, some talk on the train but it's usually after something originally sparks them to talk. Intercity rail is usually people spread out, iPod in, keeping themselves to themselves. Bus, get the odd crack-head talking "business" but nothing like commuter rail.

To summarise, the lower down you go, the less likely people are to talk to each other. There are a few exemptions to the rule, however, that's the 80% of the time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

L&Y Robert

22 Apr 2012
Banbury 3m South
Hi RailUk,
I'm a product design student from Cardiff metropolitan uni and am tackling a design project which is aiming to improve the commuting experience. Looking at ways to increase the socializing on trains. Thanks

Its a bum design project because its only slightly to do with design, and very much to do with social issues, and, being a designer, you're probably not equipped to deal with those. Abandon it. Get another design project.

mr williams

19 Sep 2010
It's also disappointing that a University student doesn't know the difference between "too" and "to" as the survey asks about:

"the person you sit next too"


28 Jun 2011
It's also disappointing that a University student doesn't know the difference between "too" and "to" as the survey asks about:

"the person you sit next too"

Disappointing ...but not surprising.

RE the OP's original idea abt socialising on trains... its a non starter. People dont want to speak to strangers on trains - mp3 players have killed that idea stone dead.


Established Member
16 Jul 2011
I wonder if this is a regional thing. On my commute to work there are about a dozen people I speak to regularly.


Emeritus Moderator
9 Aug 2009
I think we've had a survey on this before, back in February.

I do not think that the OP is going to get very far with this. As far as I cna see from my five years of commuting, the last thing the majority of people desire on their way to and from work is socialising with others on the train.

To be honest, ther eis no need for additional social interaction on the train, as the only thing that the commuters have in common is that they are using the same method to get to work.

That said, there are small groups of people who are very chatty on the train, but this is usually because they work together, or know each othe rfrom school/college. Most others read, text, listen to music, doze or just stare out of the window.

I would say that the most annoying thing about commuting would be other commuters attempting to socialise with me!


Established Member
4 Nov 2010
Well, I can't even put an answer to question 1 on the survey - My commute is 75 minutes if I make my connection at MAN!


Established Member
12 Mar 2011
Unfortunately my commute doesnt involve anyone my own age, being 19 and male surprisingly nobody wants to spark up a conversation. It doesnt help that my times vary as well, so there arent any 'regulars'

L&Y Robert

22 Apr 2012
Banbury 3m South
I was often struck, when travelling to Todmorden from "Down South" (we changed at Leeds) the difference in the atmosphere in the train between the main liner (from Birmingham) and the Calder Valley DMU. All was quiet in the first train, subdued conversations, the russle of a newspaper, an apologetic "Excuse me" as persons moved about. Then, changing to the local, the babble of conversations in broad Yorkshire accents, laughter, people comparing notes on this that and everything. "Did you know each other?" I asked of the lady sitting opposite on one occasion, after her talkative neighbour had left. Oh, no - it's just that wev both bin ont market and seen't same stuff" she explained, and in the same 'talk to your neighbour' spirit, began to tell me about the bargains she'd got, and the ones she'd missed. And a whole carriage load must've 'bin ont market" that afternoon, I was quite exhausted!


17 Nov 2011
Hi RailUk,

I was hoping to get a little bit of feedback from the wealth of knowledge here on the forum!

I'm a product design student from Cardiff metropolitan uni and am tackling a design project which is aiming to improve the commuting experience. Looking at ways to increase the socializing on trains.

I'd likeany feedback from you on the subject. And if you could fill out this quick 6 question survey, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Many Thanks

I don't really want to socialise on trains thanks, the journey is about the only time I get to read or have a kip.


4 Apr 2012
I have completed the survey, and good luck with it, although I am not sure that the questions will help much from the brief in the opening post.

I would also say that anything to reduce social interaction rather than increase it would be of benefit.

ATW Alex 101

Established Member
28 Dec 2010
Ellesmere port
People are being a bit harsh to the OP, if he wants to be a designer and wants to do about commuting thats fine. I suppose yes, people don't fancy socialising on trains, including myself.

My commuting experience, I used to travel to school every day from September through to January. Now I travel to school and back every Thursday. I suppose it could be better by introducing better seats on the Merseyrail and have the tiny table things on the wall. The interaction with the guards could be better as well, and they need good social skills. Hope this helps
6 Sep 2011
Blackpool south Shore
I stayed with my brother in North London (Palmers Green) Very little talking in Central London, but as we neared Wood Green (Piccadilly line) locals were starting to talk. On the bus to Palmers Green people were chatting normally and far more friendly! The 'enforced' silence was gone!


Established Member
12 Feb 2009
Hiding in your shadow
I can't believe how harsh and pedantic some people have been here. Perhaps they making up for their own social inadequacies.

For starters it can be a design project. By making the journey more enjoyable or relaxing it's far more likely that people will socialise with each other. It's maybe not a design project in the more conventional sense but it doesn't make it any less of one.

As for the reference to the spelling, the OP may well be dyslexic (or it could just be a typo) and either way it does not make him less intelligent, nor is it indicative of university students nowadays. That plain sounds like Daily Mail broken Britain style diatribe...

With regards to my commuting experience, I find commuters to be extremely impolite, selfish and anti-social. I don't mind engaging in a conversation if anyone sparks one or if I feel like initiating one. I usually find people from outside the home counties to be more sociable.

ATW Alex 101

Established Member
28 Dec 2010
Ellesmere port
I can't believe how harsh and pedantic some people have been here. Perhaps they making up for their own social inadequacies.

For starters it can be a design project. By making the journey more enjoyable or relaxing it's far more likely that people will socialise with each other. It's maybe not a design project in the more conventional sense but it doesn't make it any less of one.

As for the reference to the spelling, the OP may well be dyslexic (or it could just be a typo) and either way it does not make him less intelligent, nor is it indicative of university students nowadays. That plain sounds like Daily Mail broken Britain style diatribe...

With regards to my commuting experience, I find commuters to be extremely impolite, selfish and anti-social. I don't mind engaging in a conversation if anyone sparks one or if I feel like initiating one. I usually find people from outside the home counties to be more sociable.

I do feel the same on how pedantic and harsh people are being to the OP and I agree fully. And a typo or spelling error doesn't need somebody to post in a negative manner. (I wont disclose who)


28 Jun 2011
I do feel the same on how pedantic and harsh people are being to the OP

The pedantry in general on this forum, not just this thread, has to be seen to be believed - post anything that you can't back up with evidence from abt 100 sources or contains the slightest error and 'they' are all over yr thread like a rash, pointing out where you went wrong.

But what do you expect forum for train spotters?

They will probably be another 1200 posts to this thread while people argue over whether this is 'a forum for train spotters', does such a thing as a train spotters exist or is it just a pejorative construct of the popular media and if it does exist do they consider themselves to be one. :lol:

ATW Alex 101

Established Member
28 Dec 2010
Ellesmere port
The pedantry in general on this forum, not just this thread, has to be seen to be believed - post anything that you can't back up with evidence from abt 100 sources or contains the slightest error and 'they' are all over yr thread like a rash, pointing out where you went wrong.

But what do you expect forum for train spotters?

They will probably be another 1200 posts to this thread while people argue over whether this is 'a forum for train spotters', does such a thing as a train spotters exist or is it just a pejorative construct of the popular media and if it does exist do they consider themselves to be one. :lol:

That is quite right mate, i'm not saying names but there are some that are worse than others!
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