Established Member
Is there an e-mail address available for making comments about LUL? I know that there is a Contact Form on the TfL site, but I cannot find an actual address for them? If such a facility does not exist, why not?
Having spoken to Customer Services over the phone, I now have an e-mail address: enquiry[DOT]tube[AT]tfl[DOT]gov[DOT]uk (with the [DOT] replaced by . and the [AT] replaced by @). Why this address is not more widely publicised I do not know, but it is available on the TfL site - just not where you might expect.
What's wrong about a web form?
For the reasons above posted by Nym, the form is necessary to ensure the query is included in the system and statistics...
....how about when the form is pretty much useless for any issue that does not involve use of a specific service?
Why write it like that?Having spoken to Customer Services over the phone, I now have an e-mail address: enquiry[DOT]tube[AT]tfl[DOT]gov[DOT]uk (with the [DOT] replaced by . and the [AT] replaced by @). Why this address is not more widely publicised I do not know, but it is available on the TfL site - just not where you might expect.
Just don't fill in that bit of the form?
What is the world coming to when this kind of common sense escapes people?