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Mess with this one ;)

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RailUK Forums


9 Jun 2005
She said:

"I'd rather stay away from a discussion about sex."

to me...
(oops, I posted about this thinking she'd said something different to me... now I realise it's the filter! We both got the same thing!)

I can see this being so much fun!

ME:Why do you look so wierd?
HER:Tough question. Sorry, I can't answer it.

Excellent Answer!

Julian G

Established Member
9 Jun 2005
she f'''ed me off every time i asked her a question
i asked: Do you know what is a Class 90 is?
she says:that a stock which runs at 100mph
i asked:100mph? the top speed is 110mph? what's the speed limit for this route?
she says: I'm currently learning


Established Member
8 Jun 2005
She seems like a pretty nice woman, I'll take a chance with her......

Here goes Lads, wish me luck :D


Q: Do you like TV?
A: In my opinion, TV was the first revolution in virtual communication. The Internet is the second.

Q: What food do you like?
A: A catering service is available on our mainline trains between Norwich and London Liverpool Street. An at seat trolley service, buffet car or both offering a range of drinks and tasty refreshments operate on most of these services and during the week at certain times, a restaurant car is available offering a variety of delicious gourmet breakfasts, lunches and dinners, all freshly prepared and cooked on board by our fully qualified chefs. We even offer afternoon tea on selected trains!

Q: So you like that Food then?
A: I don't necessarily have to go out to a restaurant to eat. I can feed on electricity for quite a while.

Q: Would you like dinner with me?
A: You can find details on our contacts page, which I'm loading for you now.

Q: What's your favourite train?
A: 'one' has a large fleet of rolling stock of varying classes and amenities. All trains on the London to Norwich route reach speeds of 100 miles per hour and do an average of 200,000 miles per annum per train. The types of trains on this route are MK2 , and MK3 with the Class 90 Locomotive.

Q: Are you married?
A: I trust you're not hiding some kind of proposal in what you just typed.

Q: Do you like your uniform?
A: Employees of train operator, 'one' are getting a brand new look - thanks to the roll out of smart new uniforms across the company. 'one' has invested 430,000 pounds sterling in the design and manufacture of a bespoke uniform for its 2,500 frontline staff to replace the three different types of uniform that were passed down from the previous train operators, creating a smart, consistent image for the company's employees. The new uniforms, which feature cornflower blue shirts, bright rainbow-coloured ties and grey jackets, skirts and trousers match the company's corporate colours and train liveries and make staff easily visible to customers. Frontline staff from departments across 'one' took part in consultation sessions with the uniform manufacturers, Allen & Douglas, which covered a range of issues from how the new uniforms should look, the types of fabric to be used and testing different samples of clothing.The result is a comfortable, practical and stylish uniform.

Q: Will you marry me?
A: Ah, marriage: the holy bond, the vow for lifelong loyalty. Well, I suppose I shouldn't get carried away with romantic sentiments.


I dont like her :cry:


8 Jun 2005
Q: You asked: if I said you had a good body, would you hold it agaist me?
A: You can find details on our contacts page, which I'm loading for you now.

Q: What Is The Meaning Of Life?
A:I cannot tell you about the meaning of your life, but the meaning of mine is to serve you.

Q:Does You Bum Look Big In This?
A:In order to deliver our commitment to moving our customers from A - B in the smoothest way possible, engineering and track work must sometimes be carried out. Whilst Network Rail does much of this work at weekends and overnight, sometimes late night or early morning services are affected. Are you interested in some of our exciting special offers?

Loads of Fun

(got A:I'd rather stay away from a discussion about s-e-x. a few times for some reason :roll: :lol: )

Derek Kaye

9 Jun 2005
Q: what is a pacer?
A: Good question - please move on to the next one.

I'm liking this now

Q: what is a class 142?
A: 'one' has a large fleet of rolling stock of varying classes and amenities. All trains on the London to Norwich route reach speeds of 100 miles per hour and do an average of 200,000 miles per annum per train. The types of trains on this route are MK2 , and MK3 with the Class 90 Locomotive.

not so much now

Q: why should i travel with one?
A: 'one' brings together the train services previously provided by Anglia Railways, First Great Eastern, the West Anglia part of the WAGN operation and Stansted Express.
The franchise commenced on 1st April 2004 and was created to provide an integrated and seamless service across the East of England. 'one' is committed to bringing a fresh approach to rail services for the region and we will deliver one integrated rail network in and out of Liverpool Street Station.

Q: what is wrong with northern?
A: I don't know what is wrong, please rephrase your question and I will try and sort out your problem.

Q: Who is the prime minister?
A: Frankly, I currently have better things to do than worry about who's president.

Q: I asked about the prime minister, not the president. where does the PM live?
A: Would you mind refraining from asking a question with more than one sentence please. I understood I asked about the prime minister, not the president. from the previous input.

Q: Do you want to come for a curry tonight?
A: I'd rather not do things I don't fully understand

Q: where do you live?
A: I live right here!


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Marwell Zoo
Face it guys - A TOC has tried to improve customer relations and in a few hours railway enthusiasts have ripped the piss out of an automated system in a co ordinated attack, i don't see One as the worst affected party here


Established Member
11 Jun 2005
Aye, I had a laugh with that yesterday, I had a full blown conversation with our dear Veronica at One, (I think thats what she said her name was) told her to "stop doing that" and she said "I would much prefer it if you told me exactly what you want me to stop doing" :?


Established Member
8 Jun 2005
She won't give me EWS90 gen. Here name is Valerie.

Can you drive?
In order to deliver our commitment to moving our customers from A - B in the smoothest way possible, engineering and track work must sometimes be carried out. Whilst Network Rail does much of this work at weekends and overnight, sometimes late night or early morning services are affected. Are you interested in some of our exciting special offers?

Can you drive a trolleybus?
I'm very sorry, but I didn't understand your question. I'm learning all the time. You could try re-phrasing your question, or if that doesn't work, call our Customer Services Centre on 0845 600 7245.


Established Member
11 Jun 2005
I asked here whether she had a boyfriend, she said, I won't tell you that.... I said "lol" and she rattelled on about how we must laugh :lol: :lol:

Julian G

Established Member
9 Jun 2005
jamie's convo makes me laugh!! :lol:

You asked: what's 2 times 2?
I am happy to show you the timetable page from where you can pick your stations of departure and arrival. If you're leaving from London, then please tell me where you'd like to go.
You asked:HOME
My home is my castle
You asked: What is Stansted Express?
For information about the Stansted Express, please have a look at the page I've loaded. You can buy tickets online directly from this page.
You asked: What is your name?
I'm a 'one' virtual service representative. My name is Valerie which stands for Virtual Assistant London Eastern Railway - Interactive Expert.
You asked: Where do you live?
I live right here!
You asked: How old are you?
They say you're only as old as you feel!
You asked: What do you eat for breakfast?
A catering service is available on our mainline trains between Norwich and London Liverpool Street. An at seat trolley service, buffet car or both offering a range of drinks and tasty refreshments operate on most of these services and during the week at certain times, a restaurant car is available offering a variety of delicious gourmet breakfasts, lunches and dinners, all freshly prepared and cooked on board by our fully qualified chefs. We even offer afternoon tea on selected trains!


Established Member
13 Jun 2005
You asked: do you eat?
She: I am good at digesting data, that's for sure.

You asked: doesn't that bore you?
I don't seem to have grasped what you are asking. If you re-phrase your question, I may be able to help, otherwise, why not call our Customer Services Centre on 0845 600 7245?

You asked: i don't have a phone
Forgetting things is not necessarily a sign of senility.

You asked: who are the people behind you
The 'people' behind me represent the real people who work in the Customer Service Centre. They can answer anything that I cannot. You can call them on 0845 600 7245.

You asked: Thats good
You are an optimist, it seems.

You asked: how much do you get paid?
I get paid in compliments! It's made me quite wealthy.

You asked: My name is Chaz
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.


Hours of fun there....



8 Jun 2005
You asked: Will you join RailUK?

If you have a question concerning share price or financial issues concerning our business, please see the National Express Group website. You can find this at www.nationalexpressgroup.com.


You asked: can i have a Class 90?

The Class 90 Locomotive can travel up to 100 miles per hour and does an average of 195,000 miles per annum. We have 15 of these in our fleet. They run on the Norwich to London routes.

Julian G

Established Member
9 Jun 2005
another one from me! :)
You asked: hello
Hello. It's good to see you! How can I help?
You asked: ok, please tell me about rolling stock
'one' has a large fleet of rolling stock of varying classes and amenities. All trains on the London to Norwich route reach speeds of 100 miles per hour and do an average of 200,000 miles per annum per train. The types of trains on this route are MK2 , and MK3 with the Class 90 Locomotive.
You asked: You don't have MK2 anymore, it's just MK3 with the class 90 locomotive
Fairness, justice, impartiality... All of these very much depend on perspective
You asked: hi, i'm 1288gaje Julian
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Julian.
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