I was thinking what James has subsequently said when i posted originally. If the post had said "If everybody is ok, then it's worth a chuckle that another EWS 66 has come to grief in engineering works" then the comment might of been better recieved
Going off at a tangent slightly;
In my first week on the railway, i was called to assist at an incident involving 2 fitters from my depot at Chichester, where during attempts to recover a failed service train, it ranaway at slow speed and collided with another service train standing at a signal. Obviously everybody involved was pretty tense, but once we got everything cleared up and squared away, all the jokes started flying in the van going home, some very dark railway humor about "Did you hear about the big train crash in Chichester?" "No?" "Yeah, 100 people dead, person xyz does another successfull exam on a class 0123456"