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Southern Downlander

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13 Apr 2012
i have purchased an all network downloaded for Monday , i have chosen an utility bill as I.d..

The only bill I can find is from BT for home and Internet , is this classed as an utility ?
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
21 Dec 2007
Newcastle (unless I'm out)
I'm not aware that the answer to this question can be found in Southern Railways published Terms and Conditions.
However other bodies, including statutory bodies, will accept a recent landline telephone bill as identification of address.

Rather than take comfort from my interpretation alone, I suggest that you also take additional evidence if you can, such as a bank or credit card statement, contractor's invoice, HMRC Statement, Council Tax assessment, National Insurance reminder, Television Licence, NHS appointment, Mortgage statement, Pension contributions statement - I'm sure you must have something from an official body in the past year with your address?


Established Member
28 Jan 2006
Wittersham Kent
I'm not aware that the answer to this question can be found in Southern Railways published Terms and Conditions.
However other bodies, including statutory bodies, will accept a recent landline telephone bill as identification of address.

Rather than take comfort from my interpretation alone, I suggest that you also take additional evidence if you can, such as a bank or credit card statement, contractor's invoice, HMRC Statement, Council Tax assessment, National Insurance reminder, Television Licence, NHS appointment, Mortgage statement, Pension contributions statement - I'm sure you must have something from an official body in the past year with your address?

Ive never been asked for ID with one of these tickets, they are usually scrutinised quite close by on board staff in my experience but then handed back with a "thank you sir"



7 Jan 2010
I used one of these for a journey on a single train. On-train was no problem with no ID requested.

My biggest issue was convincing the SWT barrier staff that this was a genuine ticket which didn't need collecting from a TVM or checking against a list of Megatrain tickets.


13 Apr 2012
Yeah I am dreading queuing at the barriers , I normally get the southern network traveller ticket that you book 7 days in advance but I didn't have enough time to order that one.
--- old post above --- --- new post below ---
Sorry for the double post but is it possible to add any more people on my southern down lander e-ticket


7 Jan 2010
I've booked another one of these to use on Thursday (postponing the Calais trip until the weather improves).

Starting in London Midland land and travelling on at least 14 trains, I can imagine running into some difficulties especially passing through barriers at LUL/LOROL stations.

Something I noticed last time and it's still the same, is how "unprofessional" the ticket looks. The logos and bullet points are pixelated, as if they've just been thrown together by a kid who knows a little about computers.

Is there actually any way the guard can check the ticket validity (e.g. on Megatrain where guards are given a list of valid reference numbers)?


Established Member
19 Feb 2008
Nope :D

I always take a printout of the ticket validity and description from the website, and that usually appeases any barrier staff. The most zealous onboard check I had involved removing my ticket and phoning control to check the validity.

I have not had to produce ID onboard though. At the barriers it's been asked a few times. Clapham Jct is always a good place to wager that you'll get hassle.


7 Jan 2010
Hypothetical question, but quite important. Does anyone know what would happen if I were to miss the last train to Milton Keynes due to a late running connection? Would it be possible to have the ticket endorsed to use London Midland?

I have allowed 45 minutes at Clapham Junction to grab a snack and allow for potential delays, but it'd be nice to have an idea of what could happen.

Also, I assume the ticket is eligible for Delay Repay if a delay occurs anytime during the day?


Emeritus Moderator
4 Feb 2010
Hypothetical question, but quite important. Does anyone know what would happen if I were to miss the last train to Milton Keynes due to a late running connection? Would it be possible to have the ticket endorsed to use London Midland?

I have allowed 45 minutes at Clapham Junction to grab a snack and allow for potential delays, but it'd be nice to have an idea of what could happen.

Also, I assume the ticket is eligible for Delay Repay if a delay occurs anytime during the day?

You have a valid ticket for your intended journey. If you were delayed getting into Clapham Junction, provided that you have allowed the minimum connection time for the station (which you have), then you should still be conveyed to your final destination, using the services of another TOC if necessary.

I don't see why this ticket would be excluded from Delay Repay, although please be aware that compensation would be paid on a pro rata basis so you might not get the amount equivalent to an SDS or similar.


3 Jan 2012
I work for Southern...

Downlander certainly qualifies for Delay Repay as does Daysave

I hope it doesn't happen but it would be interesting to see how we deal with such a claim

I think we might treat the ticket as a return for delay repay purposes

Maybe terms and conditions need to be updated to clarify this


7 Jan 2010
Update from my travels today to come later tonight or tomorrow.

You can read selected issues by looking at my Twitter account: @bruceb90

Johnny, I tweeted Southern when I was delayed. They stated the ticket is treated as a single.
--- old post above --- --- new post below ---
My update, as promised:

Bletchley: Gate assistant didn't recognise ticket: "that's a funny looking ticket". No trouble though, let me through.

On train to CLJ: "That's great mate", as this conductor would normally say.

(No further checks whilst I'm travelling round Brighton/Newhaven)

Norwood Junction: LOROL staff didn't recognise it, but were very polite (perhaps the most polite I'd met all day, even calling me Sir) and let me through anyway.

Epsom: No issues whatsoever

Victoria: Two staff at manual gate. Looked like one RPI, one gateline assistant. RPI takes ticket and asks me to come to one side. She takes a good interest, asking if I printed it myself. She then noticed someone's Oyster had no credit left (perhaps a guaranteed PF compared to my more minor issue), so handed my ticket to the gateline assistant. He said "yeah, we get these occasionally" and let me on my way, much to the displease of the RPI.

Battersea Park: Once I'd found someone to open the gate, she looked blankly at it. On my re-entry, she asked lots of questions and said she assumed I should enter the number into a machine "or something". Let me in anyway.

Clapham Junction: No problems exiting (Brighton Yard). On entry (shopping centre), it was scrutinised and I was asked for ID. Credit card shown and let in.

Return train to Bletchley: As the conductor entered, the lady sat opposite said "your face looks like you're going to cause trouble"!! She was exactly right as the conductor was clueless to the ticket. She looked at it for a good while, before concluding with "I wish they'd tell us about these".

I effectively made three single journeys, each was delayed by 30+ minutes. Unfortunately, I had to cut out quite a bit of my plan otherwise I couldn't get back to Milton Keynes.

Would I bother again? For one or two trains, then yes. For any more, you're letting yourself in for a lot of hassle and potential embarrassment in front of other customers.


18 Jan 2010
The Downlander is great.

I did one a couple of weeks ago so do a couple of branchlines on the Southern Network ive never done before:

30th May 2012
Victoria-Lewes (377467/468)
Lewes-Seaford (313207)
Seaford-Brighton (313202) 1st new branch of day
Brighton-East Croydon (442424)
East Croydon-East Grindstead (377123/424)
East Grindstead-Clapham Jct (377424/123) 2nd new branch of day
Clapham Junction-London Bridge (456001/455824/456002)
via Crystal Palace Loop. More new track.

All inspectors were fine with it, though the plain clothes RPI's on Brighton-Vic train had a good look at it, though never asked for Id.
Dont think guard on East Grinstead move could workout why I boarded at Croydon, went to Grinstead, then went back to Clapham.


Established Member
11 Jun 2005
I've done one before and was worried by the oddity of the ticket. I started it at Southampton and finished there for the last GW back to Trowbridge (had a £3 advance each way for this, bargain!)

Only place I had to show it was London Victoria and Brighton. London staff looked at it oddly but let me through, Brighton didn't care and just let me through anyway (probably had seen it before) did not get ID'd and had no grips at all! :shock:
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