Can anyone shed any light on British Rail's 1966 proposal to demolish St. Pancras AND King's Cross. Never heard of such an idea before.
...The herald of change for St Pancras came with the First World War. On the night of February 17th 1918 five bombs were dropped on or near the station and hotel. One fell on Midland Road, two on the forecourt and one on the western tower. None of these caused any casualties, but the fifth bomb fell on the glass covered cab road beside the booking office and killed twenty people, injuring a further thirty three. This was the greatest number of casualties suffered in any air raid on a London station during the war. The train services within the station were unaffected, however the roof to the Booking Office was lost and replaced by a plainer ceiling.
The war ended with the railway system very run down and a suggestion was made by the London Society in 1921 that St Pancras be closed. This came to nothing but what did happen was that, under the Railways Act 1921 four mainline railway companies were established and the Midland Railway passed under the control of the London Midland & Scottish Company (LM&S)....
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