OK, I've got a query or four.
First of all, I've got a SVR York to Worcester Stations (don't ask why, bit of a long story) to use yet. I daresay it's not a valid route, but would this ticket be valid on FTPX via Manchester, then down to BHM and onwards to WSH? I'd love to get that TPX route from MP to Leeds done and dusted, it's a rather irritating gap on my map. Saying that, all of the North is an irritating gap...
Query 2: Would I have any ticket restrictions in terms of departure times with the above ticket and with a SVR Worcester Stations to HFD? (Again, don't ask why I've got this, suffice to say we'll be buying tickets before we board next time)
Query 3: The aforementioned SVR Worcester Stations to HFD was printed off a SPORTIS machine, hence the TM printed the two adults and two children on the same ticket. As the rest of the group I was travelling with will not be accompanying me on this (they are travelling another day), would I still be able to use the ticket? I personally can't see why not.
Query 4: I recently picked up a copy of the Middlesbrough to Whitby TT, in it the Tees Valley (something like that) Day Ranger is mentioned. My query is hence this: Does this rover cover me from York, or do I have to get to Darlington for it?
That'll do for now...