I voted Conservative in the poll, but not with any great pleasure - they're the least bad of an awful bunch and I certainly don't like the party leader. The only reason I picked them over "none of the above" was because I find them slightly more tolerable than the rest, and wanted my vote to reflect that.
I was formerly a Lib Dem member, and became fairly senior in my university's branch of the party. However, I became disillusioned with the party just before the 2019 European elections, and left. In the past I've also voted for three of the other options in the poll, but each of those was more of a protest vote and a cry for change than the result of any ideological agreement with them.
I note someone has already mentioned the resurgent SDP as an "other" option - I wouldn't say I supported them but definitely watch them with interest. Some of their policies aren't things I agree with, but I just appreciate the way they neither sneer at people (as much of Labour seems to nowadays), nor want to help the rich line their pockets (as quite a few Conservatives seem to).