There was a report on the news the other night where they spoke to one farmer on the English side of the Scottish border and another on the Scottish side and one thing the English farmer stressed was that people like him could be affected significantly if Scotland becomes independent but wouldn't get to vote in any independence referendum. If there was a Welsh independence referendum even more people would be affected who wouldn't get a vote, due to the longer land border with England.
Elsewhere in Europe there's been illegal independence referendums - Catalonia and Crimea. In the case of the latter it was reported Ukrainian law prevented an independence referendum unless all of Ukraine got to vote. That would solve the problem of people living the wrong side of the border, who don't get to vote on a decision which affects them. However, it could mean people who aren't affect vote, in the case of Crimea, possibly some Ukrainians would have voted against Crimea getting independence in an official referendum because they are anti-Russian.
Is there a better way of doing referendums?
Elsewhere in Europe there's been illegal independence referendums - Catalonia and Crimea. In the case of the latter it was reported Ukrainian law prevented an independence referendum unless all of Ukraine got to vote. That would solve the problem of people living the wrong side of the border, who don't get to vote on a decision which affects them. However, it could mean people who aren't affect vote, in the case of Crimea, possibly some Ukrainians would have voted against Crimea getting independence in an official referendum because they are anti-Russian.
Is there a better way of doing referendums?