What is the reason for VTEC in hiring these two locos? Extra capacity? Back-up for the 91's?
Partly backup for the 91s which are very intensely worked I think.
What is the reason for VTEC in hiring these two locos? Extra capacity? Back-up for the 91's?
Hello all, planning a trip to Leeds tomorrow (18/2), does anyone know if the 90s will be out in action tomorrow?
Hello all, planning a trip to Leeds tomorrow (18/2), does anyone know if the 90s will be out in action tomorrow?
Rarely out Saturdays. Often out Sundays.
Rumoured to be working 1N16 & 1Y42 tomorrow (Sunday)
Aren't those services to Newcastle? Thought the 90s don't work north of York save for one occasion when a DVT failed
Can anyone confirm if either of these are out today? Thanks
(And 0705 KGX - LDS earlier)
However as the question was asked at 10:27, there was little point letting the OP know items from the past
The two points I'd considered when posting that were as follows:
a) Historical record if anyone's interested at some future point as to whether the set had stuck to diagram in Leeds, or had dropped back 30 minutes (as on some previous occasions) and;
b) By posting a partial diagram, it might make people wonder if the set had started its diagram at Neville Hill depot (Leeds) today - which wouldn't be the case due to Driver knowledge (only Kings Cross Drivers sign it, and they don't sign Neville Hill).
Still, never mind...
No holes picked from me... simply my response (and explanation) to the above comment.
As someone who will also provide gen at times, I reckon anyone providing any should get a thumbs up - however the thread (and others) is/are read by a few people for different reasons, and any gen is usually useful to *someone*
Having met both of you at forum meals (though not, as far as I am aware, ever at the same ones) I have no doubt both of you are trying to be helpful, nothing more and nothing less, and this is just a misunderstanding. In real life conversation there would not have been a problem, I'm sure. There's no way 43094 intended his post to come across in the way you think it was.You implied that I provided misleading and incorrect/incomplete info.
Well in future I won't answer any further questions in case I mislead
I'm outta here
Can anyone confirm that 90019 is the only skoda working for VTEC at the moment - or is 90034 still with them?
90034 is still with them.
I believe you are misinformed.
90034 has been at Crewe for nearly 2 weeks now.