There are a number of proposals upthread for a "National Railcard" which is basically that, with a similarly high price. How much is the DB card now? Over 100 quid I think?
It depends on which one you get, the cheapest is 9 euros and the most expensive is 6,812 euros but if you look at what they offer with it, I think they're worth far more then the existing railcards in the UK.
Prices are as follows:
BahnCard 25
BahnCard 25, 2nd class: 55,70 Euro
BahnCard 25, 1st class: 112 Euros
You get:
25% discount on the Super Savings, Savings and Flex prices of Deutsche Bahn within Germany for 1 year
Discounted partner cards available
BahnCard 50
BahnCard 50, 2nd class: 229 Euros
BahnCard 50, 1st class: 463 Euros
50% discount on the flex prices and 25% on the super savings and savings prices of Deutsche Bahn within Germany for 1 year
Discounted partner cards available
BahnCard 100
BahnCard 100 1st class: 6,812 euros 1st class: 632 Euro (monthly)
BahnCard 100 2nd class: 4,027 euros 2nd class: 372 Euros (monthly)
1 year in Germany travel flexibly without buying tickets
Discounted partner cards available
City ticket always included
Recognition of the BahnCard in local and long-distance transport of Deutsche Bahn as well as in
many private railways and bus companies
Youth Bahncard 25: costs 9 euros (1st and 2nd class) for the entire period up to and including 18 years
25% discount on the Super Savings, Savings and Flex prices of Deutsche Bahn within Germany.
The card is issued for a maximum of 5 years and is valid until 1 day before the 19th birthday
My Bahncard (19 years old to 27 years old)
My BahnCard 25, 2nd class: 34,90 Euro
My BahnCard 25, 1st class: 72,90 Euros
My BahnCard 50, 2nd class: 61,90 Euro
My BahnCard 50, 1st class: 226 Euros
Save 25% or 50% for 1 year on every ticket purchase
Discounted partner cards available
Senior Bahncard
Senior BahnCard 25, 2nd class: 36,90 Euro
Senior BahnCard 25, 1st class: 72,90 Euros
25% discount on the Super Savings, Savings and Flex prices of Deutsche Bahn within Germany.
Senior BahnCard 50, 2nd class: 114 Euro
Senior BahnCard 50, 1st class: 226 Euros
50% discount on the flex prices as well as 25% on the super savings and savings prices of the Deutsche Bahn within Germany.
Reduced Bahncard
Reduced BahnCard 25, 2nd class: 36,90 Euro
Reduced BahnCard 25, 1st class: 72,90 Euros
25% discount on the Super Savings, Savings and Flex prices of Deutsche Bahn within Germany.
Reduced BahnCard 50, 2nd class: 114 Euro
Reduced BahnCard 50, 1st class: 226 Euros
50% discount on the flex prices as well as 25% on the super savings and savings prices of the Deutsche Bahn within Germany.