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'Proper' Summer on its way...

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Established Member
2 Mar 2011
According the the BEEB, a proper Summer is just around the corner - with sunshine and hot temperatures..... :cry:

Call me a miserable git, but I prefer cooler weather. In fact I prefer a proper cold Winter's day to any other.

What about anybody else?
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Established Member
24 Feb 2007
Call me a miserable git, but I prefer cooler weather. In fact I prefer a proper cold Winter's day to any other.

Personally, I'd probably agree, there is nothing like a really cold, crisp day.

However, the six weeks holidays start at the end of this week, and it would be terrible should the weather have stayed as it has been recently, with the kids constantly stuck indoors. Having two of my own, it would be hell.

For that reason, it's not a bad thing for me that good weather is coming, despite preferring it colder.


Established Member
4 Nov 2010
I think I prefer the winter weather as well, although I tend to be quite oblivious to the temperature. Its other commuters sweating into me in midsummer on a packed out pacer that I don't like.


Established Member
8 Jan 2010
Bath (or Southend)
I definitely prefer it cooler too. Overcast but dry with temperature around 15°C is ideal for me.


Established Member
19 Jun 2010
I will buck the trend of the thread and say that I'm certainly looking forward to some warmer and brighter weather arriving. It's too dull, mild and damp on the Lancs coast as the moment for me. It's the dark cloud and the rain which I find the most offputting.

19°C-23°C, glorious sunshine and a slight breeze is my favourite kind of day, although if I am just relaxing on a beach or in the country, then anything up to about 29°C is fine.

When I was in Central Europe a few weeks ago, I was certainly enjoying the higher temperatures and sunshine. Coming back to consistent damp and overcast conditions is the worst part.
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Established Member
4 Jun 2009
Temperature wise, recently has been a bit cool, but I don't like it too warm (the warm spell we had a month or so ago would have been awful were it not for the breeze behind it, which made it bearable and actually rather pleasant)

Spring is probably my favourite month as it is usually neither freezing nor roasting

The thing that has really peeved me off lately is the rain...I'm getting bored of getting soaked everytime I have to walk outside (which at work can be relatively often!)


Established Member
23 May 2009
I would just like a few warm, sunny evenings with no wind - archery in the conditions we have been having has been a penance :(


Veteran Member
6 Aug 2009
Now that the "proper summer" has been announced, we can doubtless look forward to a further three months of torrential downpours :roll:


20 May 2011
The Toon
I'll agree with the consensus partly, I would hate to be back in the midst of an August 2003 heatwave again, however a little more heat and a little less rain this summer would be welcome in my opinion.

From what I have read there may indeed be some more seasonal weather coming our way, nothing spectacular but a little warmer and more settled. However I believe that there is an element of unceartinty as to how far North this settled weather was spread. There seems to be a theory from several weather websites that a North - South split may develop, the North may see more in the way of unsettled weather and as a result of this the temperatures will be rather cool, however the South may see more in the way of settled weather and temperatures should respond to this. The BBC has a short video looking at how the jet stream has caused our summer weather and how a change in this could signal more seasonal weather: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18868494

However there is as always an elemet of uncertaintly as to how long this settled spell will last with some charts suggesting that it will not be prolonged and looking at longer range charts taking you to the end of August, the temperatures throughout show nothing spectacular and still a reasonable amount of precipitation throughout the country. Well done for reading to the end of this, I confess to spending an unhealthy amount of time looking at weather!

I've enclosed an outlook for the next 30 days taken from the met office website, which may be of more use than my waffle:

UK Outlook for Sunday 22 Jul 2012 to Tuesday 31 Jul 2012:Showers or longer spells of rain affecting the north and west through Sunday and Monday. This will spread southeastwards but possibly not reach the far southeast. Temperatures will generally be around average, but a little below in persistent rain. Through Tuesday and Wednesday, a north/south divide is expected to become pronounced, with wet and occasionally windy weather in the north and drier weather in the south, where some sunshine could raise temperatures to the warm side of average. This weather pattern, for the UK as a whole, is much closer to the climatologically norm than the cool and wet scenario experienced so far this month. Confidence is steadily increasing for the return to normal conditions to continue through the final week of July.

UK Outlook for Wednesday 1 Aug 2012 to Wednesday 15 Aug 2012:It is most likely that the weather will remain changeable. The south is most likely to see the best of any dry, bright, and at times warm weather, particularly at first. Some rain is likely at times but overall, conditions are unlikely to be as bad as we've seen so far this summer. However, a lengthy spell of hot, sunny weather does look unlikely. This outlook gives a broad description of the type of weather that is likely to affect the UK as a whole, including significant changes in the type of weather and an indication of how it may differ from what you may normally expect. As the Olympics draw closer the Met Office will have local forecasts so that everyone can make the most of the Games experience.
--- old post above --- --- new post below ---
Spring is a month now?!

Winter tends to take over most of it! ;)
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Established Member
9 Jan 2009
According the the BEEB, a proper Summer is just around the corner - with sunshine and hot temperatures..... :cry:

Call me a miserable git, but I prefer cooler weather. In fact I prefer a proper cold Winter's day to any other.

What about anybody else?

You're a miserable git.


Established Member
30 Jan 2011
Be careful what you wish for. I wonder what Colorado would give for some of our rain?

Needless to say I'm incredibly ****ed off with this news. The temperature I despise along with the humidity yet what really gets me annoyed is that weather reporters are allowed to report hot and sunny weather as "good" and cold and rain as "bad"*. With that goes the funny looks and assumption that I am somehow mad whenever I tell people that no, I prefer the rain and cold <(<(

*I don't mind the terms being used where it's quantified, for example fog is bad weather for airlines.


7 Nov 2011
I could do with at least a week of decent weather so I can get on with some car bodywork. I can't stand the thought of lying on the floor welding in the rain.


1 Aug 2010
I could do with a good spell of dry weather in September when I'm going to be walking the Cleveland Way (Helmsley to Filey in Yorkshire). 9 days from the 18th to the 26th; rain would be rather bad news.

In the meantime, the least I'll be hoping for is no flooded railways for the various other trips I have to make! And for first class not to be declassified on the EMT services I've got Advances for...


Established Member
8 Jan 2010
Bath (or Southend)
I'll agree with the consensus partly, I would hate to be back in the midst of an August 2003 heatwave again, however a little more heat and a little less rain this summer would be welcome in my opinion.

From what I have read there may indeed be some more seasonal weather coming our way, nothing spectacular but a little warmer and more settled. However I believe that there is an element of unceartinty as to how far North this settled weather was spread. There seems to be a theory from several weather websites that a North - South split may develop, the North may see more in the way of unsettled weather and as a result of this the temperatures will be rather cool, however the South may see more in the way of settled weather and temperatures should respond to this. The BBC has a short video looking at how the jet stream has caused our summer weather and how a change in this could signal more seasonal weather: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18868494

However there is as always an elemet of uncertaintly as to how long this settled spell will last with some charts suggesting that it will not be prolonged and looking at longer range charts taking you to the end of August, the temperatures throughout show nothing spectacular and still a reasonable amount of precipitation throughout the country. Well done for reading to the end of this, I confess to spending an unhealthy amount of time looking at weather!

It's good to know that there are others on here with an interest in weather patterns. I personally would question the role of such phenomena as El Niño and La Niña - supposedly we are in a transitional phase at present, with an El Niño period likely in the coming months - as well as the Jet Stream in relation to the Ferrel and Polar Cells, in the abnormal weather that has afflicted this country over the last few months (especially in comparison to the claims of obscene drought - which were substantially overstated - that plagued media through the earlier part of the year). In particular, the circulation Cells do result in the north of the country, owing to its greater proximity to the 60°N line and thus the Jet Stream, generally receiving lower levels of air pressure than the South, and as a result it is wetter (this is not the sole reason for certain areas being wetter than others; the rain shadow effect is another prominent cause).

But irrespective of the generalised science behind the weather, the Jet Stream is an unusual quality and certainly one I would be interested in researching further, in an effort to isolate other instances of it being so far south.
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Established Member
8 Jan 2010
Bath (or Southend)
But irrespective of the generalised science behind the weather, the Jet Stream is an unusual quality and certainly one I would be interested in researching further, in an effort to isolate other instances of it being so far south.

I've gone ahead and done this, and have learned something interesting as a result. Note that there is some science behind this post, so if you don't understand any of it the Wiki link should help.

As can be seen from Met Office climate graphs, the amount of of precipitation the United Kingdom has been receiving - certainly since and including 2007 - has generally been higher than normal, especially during the Summer months. In particular, the BBC even quoted the Northern Polar Jet Stream (or just "Jet Stream" in their analysis; referred to as NPJS here) as being the cause of this as early as 2007, with it having been sitting at an unusually low latitude even then (link). For no as-yet clearly identifiable reason, as published in a Geophysics journal and publicised by Komo of Seattle (link), the NPJS - caused at least in part by circulations in atmospheric pressure known as the Hadley, Ferrel and Polar Cells - has been gradually moving northwards, at an estimated rate of about 1.25mi per annum, and is also thought to be weakening, possibly due to climate change. (The eastern flowing air in the NPJS is the primary cause of most weather in this country coming from the West.)

However, over the last few years, the NPJS has been sitting at an "unusually" low latitude, typically at a range of only 50°N (roughly the English Channel). As a result, the unsettled waether associated with the NPJS - usually found at latitudes in the region of 60°N - has been spread across the lower latitudes of the United Kingdom, giving the impression that the country is suffering from unusually wet weather. (This also accounts for changes in other countries' weather of course; Poland for example has been hit for harder than we have.)

In practice however, the NPJS can be found as far south as roughly 30°N, which would otherwise be the location of the Northern Subtropical Jet Stream, so what we are experiencing isn't all that unusual. The fact that it has become prominent during the Summer is appreciative of the fact that we had an unusually "powerful" Blocking Anticyclone, which is a fairly common trait of our weather during the Summer, earlier in the year than would often be the case.


26 Jan 2012
95 Farenheit in the upcoming weeks or even days, that's pretty good. (I forgot the paper that posted this)
If it's hotter than when I was in Camden Town some time a few weeks ago then it's going to be one amazing summer ahead of us, and it might enlighten my spotting trip to London. So yeah, thanks to the weather.


Established Member
30 Jan 2011
95 Farenheit in the upcoming weeks or even days, that's pretty good. (I forgot the paper that posted this)
If it's hotter than when I was in Camden Town some time a few weeks ago then it's going to be one amazing summer ahead of us, and it might enlighten my spotting trip to London. So yeah, thanks to the weather.

Enjoy the Tube in 35 degree heat. I dare you <D. Of course that outdoors so you could probably add on another 10 degrees underground <D<D

I'm marking the days until the clocks go back and nice weather returns.


Veteran Member
16 May 2010
I can't wait for autumn; I can't stand anything above 25c. Probably 18c~ is my preference, complete with gentle breeze. Certainly the current weather around my way is too hot for my liking, about 25 and not a breath of wind nor a cloud in the sky! Come on September, end this pain!
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Established Member
19 Jun 2010
I enjoyed the weather today, just about right for sitting in the garden for me although IMO not too hot for working or travelling in. Not everyone dislikes warmer temperatures, it's what summer is all about from my point of view.


On Moderation
19 Aug 2011
23C isn't hot. Early twenties Celsius are about the most comfortable temperatures. "Hot" is when the thermometer starts sliding towards the high twenties and into the thirties.


Established Member
8 Aug 2011
23C isn't hot. Early twenties Celsius are about the most comfortable temperatures. "Hot" is when the thermometer starts sliding towards the high twenties and into the thirties.

Expectations have clearly been eroded. <D


Established Member
30 Jan 2011
One more thing I can add to the list of things I hate about summer is that all the neighbours take it as an excuse to make all the noise.


On Moderation
19 Aug 2011
They just said on the Countryfile forecast that the weather is going to turn poor again at the end of next week, just in time for the Olympics. That's not what they were saying the other day.


Established Member
30 Jan 2011
They just said on the Countryfile forecast that the weather is going to turn poor again at the end of next week, just in time for the Olympics. That's not what they were saying the other day.

See, that's what really annoys me. The fact a national broadcaster can use a subjective term as though it were fact and get away with it. It could become fact with context but of course there isn't any
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