Just a request for anyone in control of the public information screens at large(ish) stations.
I'm sick and tired of arriving at the platform with not much time to spare and wanting to find out whether it's the right train or not - only to find a page of safety information which is usually pretty anodyne such as "the doors close a minute before departure" or "smoking is not allowed anywhere on this station".
Please ! The screens are there to find out where the train's going. If this sort of drivel is so important, can they not put it on a poster somewhere ?
I was at Man Vic yesterday and had to wait through three screens before it actually told me where the train was going
I'm sick and tired of arriving at the platform with not much time to spare and wanting to find out whether it's the right train or not - only to find a page of safety information which is usually pretty anodyne such as "the doors close a minute before departure" or "smoking is not allowed anywhere on this station".
Please ! The screens are there to find out where the train's going. If this sort of drivel is so important, can they not put it on a poster somewhere ?
I was at Man Vic yesterday and had to wait through three screens before it actually told me where the train was going