Veteran Member
What i have to say will not be popular with many but i feel it needs to be said.
I have only been a member of this forum since October 2012 and in that time there has been a decline of standards and quality of threads and debates. It has accelerated in the last few months.
It now seems that this forum has become a haven for trolls, the malcontents the jealous,the bitter, the angry, the failures, and the never will bes but worse of all it appears to have become a bastion of the know it all spotter.
This forum used to be a place where people could gather to sensibly discuss railway matters or have interesting technical questions answered. In recent months the level and quality of posts seems to have hurtled towards banality and at times total and utter wibble and gibberish.
I have discussed this matter with several members recently, the majority of whom are railway professionals, some of many years standing. They like me are becoming disenfranchised with this forum.
In particular these thoughts have been generated by the way in which railway professionals are treated (or abused) by other members of this forum. A unhelpful and at times nasty body of opinion has built up amongst some members that they know best regarding the operation of the railway even when it is manifestly clearly to anyone with even half a brain that they do not. They then proceed to abuse and belittle anyone who tries to set them right, particular those with any form of operational experience.
If this approach continues you will drive away anyone with any kind of operational experience and this forum will become nothing more than a place for malcontents to bash the railways ( while professing to support them)
It is up to the moderators to try and sort this out, if they have any desire to do so. However, i know of at least 3 railwaymen who are stepping away form the forum for a period. Their knowledge will be missed and they will not be the last to do so.
I am now on holiday for a period and intend not to post for a time after today to see if anything improves.
I have only been a member of this forum since October 2012 and in that time there has been a decline of standards and quality of threads and debates. It has accelerated in the last few months.
It now seems that this forum has become a haven for trolls, the malcontents the jealous,the bitter, the angry, the failures, and the never will bes but worse of all it appears to have become a bastion of the know it all spotter.
This forum used to be a place where people could gather to sensibly discuss railway matters or have interesting technical questions answered. In recent months the level and quality of posts seems to have hurtled towards banality and at times total and utter wibble and gibberish.
I have discussed this matter with several members recently, the majority of whom are railway professionals, some of many years standing. They like me are becoming disenfranchised with this forum.
In particular these thoughts have been generated by the way in which railway professionals are treated (or abused) by other members of this forum. A unhelpful and at times nasty body of opinion has built up amongst some members that they know best regarding the operation of the railway even when it is manifestly clearly to anyone with even half a brain that they do not. They then proceed to abuse and belittle anyone who tries to set them right, particular those with any form of operational experience.
If this approach continues you will drive away anyone with any kind of operational experience and this forum will become nothing more than a place for malcontents to bash the railways ( while professing to support them)
It is up to the moderators to try and sort this out, if they have any desire to do so. However, i know of at least 3 railwaymen who are stepping away form the forum for a period. Their knowledge will be missed and they will not be the last to do so.
I am now on holiday for a period and intend not to post for a time after today to see if anything improves.